
There is nothing more exciting than getting the news that the bundle of joy everyone has been waiting for has finally arrived. As soon as you get the word, you probably start making plans in your head about when you're going to go visit the baby and the gifts you hope to bring. And while all of this is sweet and many new parents appreciate it, there are some things to consider.

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Finding out that you're pregnant can be exciting, shocking, scary, and emotional all at the same time.

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I'm sure by now you've heard the saying, "When you get married, you marry the family too." While many of us probably don't want to think about this, there is without a doubt some truth to this statement.

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The list is endless when it comes to all the things I want and plan to teach my daughter. I can't wait to love on her and nurture her to the fullest. The more I think about my journey as a black woman, the more my goal of teaching my daughter to love her natural hair is reinforced.

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