7 Apps For Guided Meditation For The Woman Fighting To Find Peace Of Mind

7 Apps For Guided Meditation For The Woman Fighting To Find Peace Of Mind

How many times have you set aside time for meditation only to look up and realize you've been mentally running through your to-do list for the last 10 minutes? According to Healthline, studies have proven that the benefits of meditation can blow your mind; from reducing stress to improving self-awareness and channeling our inner-zen as we toss anxiety to the side (hopefully for good this time). Practicing meditation can help us get better sleep, become kinder, and even help our attention span (Lord knows my busy bee self needs it). But ironically, we're tempted to give in to one inner-distraction after another as we try to close our eyes and find our center.

It's no secret that the practice of meditation calls for discipline. In what's supposed to calm us, sometimes we find ourselves getting restless and fidgety as we hone in on our thoughts and all things within. These apps are super helpful with not just setting the tone for introspection but serving as guided meditation that can fight off any potential distractions. Let's snap into it!

7 Best Guided Meditation Apps

10% Happier


This app was developed with the ultimate fidgeter in mind. 10% Happier provides the education and resources you need for an amazing meditation experience, one day at a time. It has a custom-made, two-week course that features video lessons for each day. It comes with guided audio meditations and even a personal coach to help you stay on track. The exercises are simple, effective, and will get your woosah back on its equilibrium.



If you don't think you have time for meditation, the Breethe app could prove you wrong. This app has sessions for just 10 minutes a day. You'll spend the short yet impactful time with a professional mindfulness coach, who delivers positive talks and inspiring steps to help you navigate through life's ups and downs just a few minutes at a time. And when it is time for a good night's sleep, the app offers a vast variety of sleep sounds such as nature and reading resources on how to get the most out of sleep.



This app is currently #1 for Meditation and Sleep, two things we could all use. As soon as you open the app, you're greeted with the phrase "Take a deep breath." Sometimes, that's all we need before we jump into the day and/or before we go to bed after a long one. The app offers a new Daily Calm to keep you focused, more than 100 guided meditations to help ease anxiety and stress, and even get better sleep with a new Sleep Story that's delivered each week.

Simple Habit


This is another great app for those who are on the go but still see the importance of taking a few minutes a day to relax and meditate. The self-proclaimed "daily vacation for your mind" has 5-minute sessions that you can choose from depending on your goal and what you hope to get out of the meditation. Ultimately, this app was created in an effort to prevent burnout by taking just a few moments to re-center and calm your mind.



Stress less, focus more and get better sleep. Isn't that the point of meditation sometimes? You can certainly get one step closer to that with Headspace. This app walks you through the steps of meditation, whether you're a beginner or a guru. For those who just don't know where to start, Headspace offers a 10-day beginner's course that not only shows the importance of meditation and mindfulness, but also gives you tools to have effective meditation habits moving forward.


Google Play

Whether you're just looking for a few minutes of calmness or a half-hour of time away from the world with yourself, the Mindfulness offers it all along with tips to make sure your mind doesn't stray too far. It has a five-day guided meditation process and timeframes for guided and even silent meditations that range from 3 to 30 minutes. It can also remind you to meditate and comes with a digital journal for you to document your experiences and what has worked best for you.

Simply Being

Google Play

This guided meditation app might be as personalized as they come. The voice-guided, step-by-step meditation feature helps keep you focused in a moment of tempted distractions. You can also select how long you want to meditate from 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30 minutes. You have the option to choose music, nature sounds, or even much-needed silence during your meditation experience.

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