
By now, I know that most of us have thought about going vegan at least once. The health benefits seem to outweigh any doubt and on paper, the diet sounds like it can work wellness wonders… But in real life, I love bacon… and cheese. Nevertheless, on my journey to a snatched waist and a healthy lifestyle, I persist. The biggest problem on my "almost-vegan" journey is knowing what (and what not) not to buy when I'm grocery shopping.

Apparently, this is a struggle that thousands of other women have, and Adrienne Houghton is here to save the day. In the past, The Real star has been transparent about her fluctuating weight and thyroid disease struggles. Now, more than ever women are taking the wheel when it comes to their physical wellness and one of the easiest ways to do that is sticking to a strict diet. Adrienne's solution? Almost veganism. She told her YouTube viewers:

"I am officially now vegan or attempting to be vegan! I've actually done it for a few weeks now and I love it."

The attempted vegan recently took to YouTube and opened up her fridge to show us what her grocery list looks like. Here's what we learned:

Substitute Your Favorites

All Things Adrienne/YouTube

When it comes to being a vegan, my biggest beef has to be with the fact that there's no dairy involved. I love cheese almost as much as I love bread, and putting them together sounds like magic. Unfortunately, true veganism ain't having none of that.

Adrienne, who has the same affinity for all things cheese, says that she manages by finding viable substitutes. For example, instead of regular milk, she and her husband, Israel opt for unsweetened almond milk. She explained:

"So the one thing that I wasn't sure I could give up when I became a vegan was cheese. I'm like guys, I'm just too French to give up cheese, you know? I had to check out every single fake cheese."

Adrienne shared that instead of regular bread, she buys Ezekiel brand, which is a vegan bread that's made from whole sprouted grains. She also uses applesauce as a sweet substitute for eggs in pancakes. Giving up your faves isn't so tough if you can find a tasty replacement.

Juice It Real Good

All Things Adrienne/YouTube

"So, this is now part of my whole diet as well, this is celery juice."

Celery… what? Okay, now I'm intrigued, sis. Please continue…

"Okay, so as you may have noticed when I opened both doors, I am celery juice obsessed. I actually followed this person on Instagram called The Medical Medium, he put me on to celery juice. So now, Israel and I are both on this major celery juice kick and we juice every single morning. We have 16 ounces."

Apparently, celery juice has some pretty great health benefits and can be a great alternative to sugary drinks. Just don't overdo it, as too much celery juice can also contribute a dangerous amount of sodium to your diet. Other juices in Adrienne's fridge included mango juice, orange juice, and grapefruit juice.

Rosewater… To Drink?

I'm sure all of us know the benefits of using rose water for your skin, but who knew that you could drink it? Rosewater, which can also be a facial toner, has nutrients and antioxidants that can prevent aging and wrinkles. According to Adrienne, her favorite brand is H2Rose.

"The other thing that I'm absolutely obsessed with is H2Rose. You guys know that you can use rose water on your face when you cleanse your face, but now you can actually drink it and it's just as good for your skin."

Vitality Shots

All Things Adrienne/YouTube

A shot of vitality? Yes, please! Who couldn't use that? The best part is that you can pick up a few of these at your local specialty food store (or click here for some DIY recipes) and say goodbye to the sniffles and get a boost of energy before starting your day. Vitality boosters have properties that can reduce fatigue and boost your immune system. Here's what Adrienne said about these power-packed concoctions:

"Yeah, moving right along, vitality shots. Let me know if any of you guys do these in the morning. I like to stock up on them and just shoot them first thing in the morning. This is turmeric, lemon, coconut water, and black pepper."
"I actually always have these in the morning at 'The Real,' and they're awesome."

What's For Dessert?

All Things Adrienne/YouTube

Of course, Adrienne couldn't leave out the most important meal of the day: dessert. Everyone knows that no diet is complete without a lil' something sweet! Although she doesn't share where she got it, I know that now, my mission in life is to get my hands on some vegan almond cheesecake.

"It's my joy right here: Vegan almond cheesecake, vegan almond chocolate cheesecake, raw vegan almond chocolate cheesecake."
"I feel like sometimes I just come to the fridge... I get my fix, then I leave. Love that."

Check out the full video below!


Featured image by Leon Bennett/Getty Images




There’s just something about HBCU Homecoming that just hits different. Whether it’s your first time stepping onto the yard since graduation or you’re a regular at every Homecoming tailgate, HBCU pride is undeniable. It’s a vibrant celebration that unites the legacy of excellence and tradition with the energy and resilience of Black culture.

If You're Not Having Great Sex, This Is (Probably) Why

So…apparently, there was once a Parade survey of 1,001 married Americans concerning sex.

Surprisingly (at least, to me), 88 percent of them said that their sex lives made them happy or they were at least “reasonably content” with it. The reason why that surprises me is because 1) I’m aware that somewhere around 15 percent of marriages are currently sexless; 2) only about half of people have sex on a weekly basis, and 3) if that many folks are indeed that satisfied in the bedroom, why do so many of us who work with long-term couples always hear otherwise?