Why I Use The Word 'Monogamous' In Marriage And 'Exclusive' In Dating

A few days ago, while watching a particular live on YouTube, I chuckled as someone on the live used the word “Googleable” and then folks in the chat proceeded to try and clown them. After about the 10th response, I chimed in (under a different name because I like to be low-key on socials) and said, “Actually, that word is in some dictionaries now. Google it.”
Those of us who remember when (thanks to Destiny Child’s now throwback song) bootylicious made it into the dictionary can certainly vouch for the fact that “made up words” can find their way into the dictionary — and not just the Urban Dictionary either. And yes, as much as I frown upon it, society and culture can also misuse words so much over time that words can change from their original meaning as well.
Take the word “nice,” for example. Did you know that, once upon a time, it used to mean foolish? Or that hussy actually used to mean wife or spinster was simply a woman who spun things? Oh, but look at those words now — pretty much because their original meaning wasn’t respected and so they shifted into other ones.
For me, as someone who writes for a living, I can’t even begin to tell you how many times in a week that I find myself saying that I am “word-literal” when it comes to many things that I say or write — and by that, I mean that I still like to give the origin of certain words the respect and honor that I feel they deserve. One reason is because I agree with research when it says that words have power as they relate to our thoughts and actions and so, we should put thought into what words were created to mean from their inception, not just what they’ve transitioned into.
Another is because, if we’re not careful, we can be using a word thinking that it should “act” one way in our lives when really…it should react totally different.
In my opinion, monogamous is one of those words and, over the course of the next few minutes, I’m going to explain why it’s like fingernails on the chalkboard to me whenever I hear anyone who isn’t married use it to describe non-marital dynamic.
Monogamous. Explained.
If someone were to ask you to define the word “monogamous” what would you say?
If it’s something along the lines of being in a one-on-one relationship, I get why that would be the case. People have been using monogamous in that context for so long at this point that I doubt most even get that the word originally meant “the practice of marrying only once in a lifetime.” In fact, certain researchers say that the word monogamous comes from the Greek one monógamos which means “marrying only once” because mono means “single” or “one” and gamy means “marriage” (hence polygamous originally meaning being married to more than one person at a time).
So y’all, if you really take all of this in, I’m hoping that you caught two things: First, monogamous is a word that was designed to be used for marriage dynamics ONLY, and second, the actual original definition didn’t even make room for people who divorce and then marry a different person.
Nope, if you are traditionally monogamous, you get married to one person and remain with that individual for the rest of your life — which yes, that means that very few people are truly and authentically…monogamous.
So, how did we get so far away from this to the point where folks who are merely dating will say that they are in a monogamous relationship?
I’d venture to say that, for one thing, over time, the sacredness of marriage and marriage vows have been lost. Perhaps now, more than ever, people are comfortable with promising to stay with someone until death parts them, only to leave and then say the exact same thing to someone else (which actually only increases the chances of divorcing again according to many cited findings). Why?
Well, some experts on the topic say that it’s because folks, more than ever, seem to “fall out of love” (I can’t stand that saying, by the way; it removes the personal accountability that comes with choosing who you love and how you act once you make the decision) with marriage about as much as they do with the person who they married.
Case in point, where it currently stands, some data says that 41 percent of first-time marriages will end in divorce and 66 percent of women are the ones who initiate it. And while there are literally dozens of things that could cause people to “fall out,” as it relates to the topic that we’re discussing today, I want to pose a very specific one: the misuse and/or abuse of the word “monogamous.”
I believe I’ve shared before (probably more than once at this point) that I once had a friend who was really on the edge of separating from his spouse. They were about seven years into their marriage at the time (she was a woman who ultimately ended with a shut up ring, by the way, whether she realizes it/wants to accept it or not) and he simply wasn’t happy.
As he was going into some of the reasons why, I said, “You sound like you’re bored” to which he barely hesitated before replying, “I’ve been married since I was 14.” What did he mean by that?
Well, because so many people, in my opinion, date like they are married, a lot of them end up not really valuing marriage — not at the level that marriage truly deserves, anyway. Since they’ve been in the habit of falling in love (Albert Einstein once said, “Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love;” some of y’all will catch that later), saying that they are monogamous with someone, falling out of love and then “rinsing and repeating” multiple times with other individuals — it has literally “programmed” them to see monogamy with a “fall in and then fall out” perspective.
Another way to look at it: as I oftentimes say, the way that this culture chooses to date, actually teaches people how to divorce NOT marry — and misusing the word “monogamous,” in my opinion, plays a huge role in that. I mean, if you’re dating and you say you’re monogamous with someone, what makes being married and saying the same thing really any different? What gives the word any higher value?
@therealrabbimanis Why are open marriages on the rise? #rabbimanisfriedman #rabbisoftiktok #relationshiptips #relationshipadvice #relationshiptiktok #openmarriages #fyp #foryou
And that is why I’m actually rocking with the rabbi here. It will never cease to amaze me how society is forever trying to act like the act of sex (including who you choose to participate in the act with) is no big deal — oh, but get a boyfriend and find out that he had sex with someone other than you and now all hell breaks loose. If sex is “no biggie” before dating, why are you acting like infidelity happened during dating? Why are you treating him like he’s basically your husband when he absolutely is not?
And if you want him to be, why are the two of you not putting plans into place to get married? And if you’re not ready for that, why are you ready to be in the type of relationship that basically mimics it? ‘Cause lawd, if there is one thing that social media is absolutely obsessed with, on the Lifetime Television level, it’s cheating (by the way, even in marriage, it reportedly happens 20 percent among men and 13 percent among women; not nearly as much as folks act like it does).
And you know what, whether you fully agree with the rabbi or not, you’ve got to admit that he’s made some points to at least seriously ponder. Okay, so what if you don’t ever want to get married yet you’re in a serious relationship? Or what if you and your partner are living together right now (divorce stats increase after marriage if that is the case; you can read more about that here), you’ve both decided to not see anyone but each other yet you’re not sure when marriage is coming. Does that not mean that you are basically monogamous?
Well, if you let the fickleness of culture determine the answer for you, "monogamous" has gotten to the point that many believe that it’s about having one sexual partner at a time. However, because I think that the word deserves to be highly esteemed, in your case, I would much rather prefer to use the word “exclusive.”
Exclusive. Explained.
@tonightsconversation Is this true about dating with “intention”? 👀 #dating #relationships @trippfontane @Ace Metaphor
Okay, so I had to throw Tripp Fontane’s commentary (via the video above) in first because, if you’re not in something serious yet, what he said provides some really good food for thought: initial dating should be about discerning if your intentions (whatever those intentions may be) are actually aligned with the person’s intentions who you are seeing.
Unfortunately, far too many people find themselves weeks or months into dating (and perhaps even being sexually involved with someone), all the while assuming that if some chemistry is there, a future must be there too — and that is not always or automatically the case. Tripp just proved that point.
@kingdommen23 The world may have its reasons to date but in the Kingdom we have 2 main reasons why we date!! #kingdommen #following #followers #friends #priorities
Okay, beyond that, though, the pastor in this video is definitely onto something that is relevant and necessary. When you’re dating and you want to get into an exclusive relationship (more on that in just a sec), assessing the individual’s character and seeing how well they complement you, your life’s purpose, and your goals (check out “If He's Right For You, He Will COMPLEMENT Your Life”) should be the main focus.
And what if the guy checks those boxes, you both don’t want to see other people and yet you’re not ready for marriage (or perhaps don’t even want to be married and he is on the same page about that — check out “Single-Minded: So, What If You Like Dating But DON’T Desire Marriage?” and “12 Couples Reveal Why They're Happy With A Long-Term Commitment Instead Of Marriage”)? Isn’t that more than just casual or light dating? Sure it is. And the word that I like for that is exclusive.
Exclusive: not admitting of something else; omitting from consideration or account (often followed by of); shutting out all others from a part or share; disposed to resist the admission of outsiders to association, intimacy, etc.
And why is exclusive the word that I can vibe with?
Well, for one thing, it gives credence to one-on-one relationships where marriage isn’t involved without compromising what monogamous was designed to mean. Also, it shows that you can be with just one person although nowhere in any of the definitions do you see marriage ever mentioned — and that’s because you can be exclusive with someone and not be married to them….very much so.
And y’all, perhaps if more people thought the way that I do about all of this, marriage would be treated as the sacred union that it is and people who are in serious dating relationships would still feel like they are getting the respect that they want without mocking marriage in the process — and maybe that would cause people to “reprogram” themselves (and society) from seeing and treating marriage as “basically being” the same thing as being in a serious dating relationship…because that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Marriage is so much more than dating; even serious dating.
Okay, and what about some of y’all who can’t even take in all of what I’m saying right now because you’re still stuck on what the rabbi said about there being no such thing as cheating when you are dating — even when it comes to seriously dating? Although I rock with him 1000 percent, again, because I am word-literal, I do think that infidelity and cheating apply to marriage because a part of the marriage vow is to be faithful to your spouse only.
HOWEVER, I do think that if you and someone come to the agreement that intimacy will only be shared between the two of you and they don’t stick to that agreement, they lied to you — lying is an integrity issue and you should take that under very serious consideration before contemplating marrying them.
Again, at the same time though, if sex is just recreational or something fun to do when you’re not in a relationship, I’m still not sure how it’s so life-shattering if the person you’re dating has sex with someone else?
Is that really about the sex? Is it because they weren’t honest with you? Or is it more of a bruised ego? Or could it be that you’re acting like you’re married when you’re not — and so you see him as a husband and you as a wife when…he’s not and you’re not? (Hmm…) Again, just something to think about.
Do I expect everyone who just read all of this to (automatically) agree with me? C’mon now. This way of thinking is so countercultural that it’s going to ruffle more than a few feathers, I’m sure. And that is why the title of this says that I use "monogamous" for marriage and "exclusive" for dating.
However, at the same time, I do think that if you would consider my perspective, even just a little bit, it could take a lot of pressure off of dating and prepare you for marriage in some ways that you never saw coming because it can help you to look at dating as preparation for marriage and not “practice run” for marriage itself (because dating isn’t “play marriage;” dating is its own thing entirely).
Now excuse me while I listen to more of what the rabbi has to say about marriage, in general, because his thoughts continue to remind me that marriage ain’t a game. Not by a long shot.
And you know what? The words that we use to define and explain marriage shouldn’t be treated as one…either. Not. At. All.
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It's kinda wild that, in 2025, my byline will have appeared on this platform for (what?!) seven years. And yeah, when I'm not waxing poetic on here about sex, relationships and then...more sex and relationships, I am working as a certified marriage life coach, helping to birth babies (as a doula) or penning for other places (oftentimes under pen names).
As some of you know, something that I've been "threatening" to do for a few years now is write another book. Welp, October 2024 was the month that I "gave birth" to my third one: 'Inside of Me 2.0: My Story. With a 20-Year Lens'. It's fitting considering I hit a milestone during the same year.
Beyond that, Pumas and lip gloss are still my faves along with sweatshirts and tees that have a pro-Black message on them. I've also started really getting into big ass unique handbags and I'm always gonna have a signature scent that ain't nobody's business but my own.
As far as where to find me, I continue to be MIA on the social media front and I honestly don't know if that will ever change. Still, if you need to hit me up about something *that has nothing to do with pitching on the site (I'm gonna start ignoring those emails because...boundaries)*, hit me up at missnosipho@gmail.com. I'll do what I can. ;)
Your Guide To Letting Go Of What No Longer Serves You Based On Astrology
Letting go is a gift we are given and a strength that we find throughout our lives. There are times when we want to grab ahold of what we are experiencing and sensing, and times when we need to let go of something that was once everything to us or what we wanted for ourselves. The moment you conclude that you need to let something go in your life is the moment that your brain fights to make that happen for you.
In Astrology, there is an area of your birth chart that is designed for you to understand where you will be letting go a lot in this lifetime, and exactly how to do so. We dive through the birth chart as we seek a deeper understanding of ourselves and let go of what no longer serves us, and there are tools available to help us do so. If you don't know where your South Node is in your birth chart, you can use a free calculator like this one here.
What Does Your South Node Represent in Astrology?
When it comes to what we are destined to let go of or move away from in this lifetime, we look to the South Node. The South Node is the area of your birth chart that has to do with your past lives, karma, lessons, old habits and traits, gifts, and energy you are moving away from in this lifetime.
Your South Node is opposite your North Node, which is your destiny and the energy you want to move towards.
We can learn a lot from our South Node and it’s an area of our life where we tend to gain the most wisdom. By understanding why some patterns in your life tend to play out in the same ways, you can be more conscious of the choices you make in the now and let go of who and what doesn’t serve you in the process.
South Node Insights: Letting Go
The South Node is our natural gifts and talents, but also where we don’t need to focus so much of our energy on, taking us away from where we need to be developing, which is the North Node. So when you are looking to let go of something, gain a new perspective, or feel more trusting in what you are doing right now, you can examine your South Node.
We learn from our South Node by not making the same mistakes over again, letting go of what needs to be let go of, and understanding what we need in order to create space for our new beginning.
Read below for your South Node on how to let go of what no longer serves you.
Aries South Node: Letting Go of Independence for Connection
You are used to being independent and figuring things out on your own. In this lifetime, however, you are being asked to lean on others for support when you need it. You are working on letting go of the ego and focusing more on the heart. By extending your compassion for others, you discover a part of yourself that leads you toward empowerment and allows you to let go of a false sense of safety.
You are meant to experience harmonious, fortunate, and compatible love in this lifetime, and you will do so by opening your heart to others and letting go of people who don’t support you or whom you can’t count on.
Taurus South Node: Releasing Overdependence and Superficiality
With your South Node in Taurus, you are letting go of the need to acquire by focusing on the depth and intention of what you are obtaining. Your relationships tend to have a lot to do with your financial world, and these things can get twisted and distorted if you are not being careful.
In this lifetime, you are working on letting go of what doesn’t serve you by following your heart and your intuition more and focusing more on the feeling you want for yourself rather than the things themselves. You are also working on letting go of overdependence or superficiality in relationships, by connecting with the people whom you have a deep and spiritual bond with.
Gemini South Node: Finding Freedom in Authenticity
For you, letting go means following your freedom. You are meant to do things your own way in this lifetime, and the less you can focus on how you are going to be perceived, the more you can live the life of your dreams. With a South Node in Gemini, you are moving away from the commotion of life. What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is traveling, getting out of your comfort zone, and being in new environments.
In past lives, you may have given too much of your focus on your social successes and business pursuits, and in this lifetime, you are meant to focus on the bigger picture. What helps you let go is understanding that once you do, better is available to you.
Cancer South Node: Trusting Yourself Beyond Emotional Impulses
With a South Node in Cancer, you are learning to trust yourself and your logic more than your emotional world in this lifetime. By letting go of feeling like you have to be the one to nurture and support everyone and allowing people to do that for you, you lead your destiny.
With your South Node in Cancer, you are letting go of emotional impulsiveness or making decisions irrationally before you have thought about them.
In past lives, you were led by your emotional world, and in this lifetime, you are meant to think more about your long-term goals and intentions. What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is knowing that you are more than what you can give to others.
Leo South Node: Prioritizing Community Over Recognition
In this lifetime, you are working on letting go of the need to be seen and recognized and focus more on your need for community and soul companionship. You are moving away from the “I” and moving closer to the “We.” What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is giving your focus to humanity, the progress you want to make in this lifetime, and who you want to make it with.
You are learning how to work with others and let go of the need to figure everything out yourself. The more you connect with the people who make you want to team up and form a relationship, rather than the people who make you want to be alone, the better for you.
Virgo South Node: Embracing Compassion Over Perfection
In this lifetime, you are letting go of the need to do everything yourself and to have everything all together. You can let go of what no longer serves you by thinking more with your heart than you do with your mind and by trusting this gift of yours. By focusing more on your spirituality, emotional connections, and creativity, you let go of a timid side of you that can disrupt your relationships or the bonds you make.
In past lifetimes, you were focused on perfection. In this lifetime, you are meant to focus on compassion. By surrendering more to the flow of things, you can let go of what no longer serves you while remaining open for what does.
Libra South Node: Rediscovering Your Independence
With your South Node in Libra, you are meant to experience the gifts of independence, freedom, and inner clarity in this lifetime. In the past, you may have been more dependent on the people around you and made a lot of your focus on love. However, in this lifetime, you are being reminded to not lose your identity in others. You can let go of what no longer serves you by only moving towards the things that feel authentic to you.
You are meant to feel confident, inspired, and free in your relationships, and if you don’t feel this way, then that is a sign you are around energy that doesn’t serve you. You are meant to do things your own way in this lifetime.
Scorpio South Node: Letting Go of Struggles and Embracing Ease
With your South Node in Scorpio, you have lived many lives and have experienced a lot emotionally. In this lifetime, you are learning how to trust the process more and to understand that not everything has to be difficult or trying for you. You can experience great things with ease, and you’ll know you are in the right place when things are just falling into your lap.
What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is focusing more on the things and people who make you feel safe, stable, and comfortable. Instead of always seeking the rush or the thrill, bring your attention more towards the things that ground you.
Sagittarius South Node: Building Connection Through Learning
Your South Node in Sagittarius urges you towards connection with your community and your immediate environment. In this lifetime, you are letting go of the need to be everywhere at once, rather than with the people who matter most to you. You are moving away from knowing everything and into learning everything.
By looking at life as a place where you will learn, grow, and connect, you can let go of the things that stretch you too thin or don’t serve your heart.
What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is expressing yourself more, meeting new people, and spending time on a cause or creative project that inspires you.
Capricorn South Node: Choosing Home and Foundations Over Status
In this lifetime, you are meant to put more value and effort into your personal life, home, family, and foundations in life. In past lifetimes, a lot of your focus was on your reputation, achievements, and successes, and in this lifetime, you are meant to bring your energy more to the home base, family, and stability in life.
You will know if something is right for you if you want it because it makes you feel safe and nurtured, rather than just something that looks pleasing to the eye. What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is by focusing more on your personal life rather than your public, and what you truly see for yourself here.
Aquarius South Node: Shining in Your Individuality
With an Aquarius South Node, you are meant to shine, be seen, and express yourself in this lifetime. You are letting go of the lone wolf energy you are used to, and working on taking up space. You are able to let go of what no longer serves you by being confident in yourself and the decisions you are making.
If someone doesn’t make you feel like the best thing in the entire world, then they aren’t right for you. In past lifetimes, you gave a lot of your energy to your community and the people around you, and in this lifetime, you are meant to focus on yourself and your path more. It’s all about doing what makes you feel good and trusting that you deserve to.
Pisces South Node: Honoring Logic While Embracing Intuition
Your lesson in this lifetime is that your mind is your gift. In past lives, you were very intuitive, psychic, and spiritual, and in this lifetime, you are learning to trust and honor the logical part of yourself more. You may tend to put your all into your relationships and not get the same energy back, and you are working on taking care of yourself first before you can give to another.
What helps you let go of what no longer serves you is trusting your body and the signals it gives you when you are around certain people or energy that doesn’t serve. Get organized, figure out your needs, boundaries, and wants, and get clear on who you are and what you want for yourself.
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There is a running joke (that I’m actually quite serious about) that I find myself saying to married couples often: “Shoot, with all that comes with being married, y’all deserve to have as many orgasms as you possibly can.” And as someone who has been working with husbands and wives for over 20 years now, I make it my personal mission to provide all of the information that I can to ensure that achieving the peak of satisfactory sex happens — whether they’ve been together for two years, 10 years or 40 years.
And today? Today, I’m going to share something that, if you are married, you can do to improve your sex life that is actually super easy and hella effective. It just requires moving into a different space. Yes, literally.
Read on, and I’ll explain more.
Get Out of the Bed, Y’all. It’s Time.
There’s no telling how many times I’ve said over the years that I agree with interior designers when they say that the purpose of the bedroom is sex and sleep — no more, no less. And that alone makes it pretty obvious why the “default location” for copulation is a bed. It’s private. It’s comfortable. Plus, it’s such an ideal location for foreplay, intercourse, and afterplay (which typically consists of quite a bit of cuddling), too. And since beds/bedrooms are so ideal for sexual activity, it’s very easy to take the “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” approach and just stay in that space most, if not all, of the time.
The challenge with that is, if you’re not careful, boredom can creep into your bedroom — and since I think we all can agree that a satisfying sex life is an essential part of any healthy relationship, boredom isn’t something that you should just shrug off, especially since one study revealed that about a third of Americans are currently not very thrilled by what’s happening up in their bedrooms these days.
Not only that, but I once read an article that said sexual boredom is why there is an uptick in masturbation, lower sex drives, an increase in cheating, more relational conflict, and a ho-hum take on relationships overall.
Now, are there seasons when sex is going to seem less exciting than others? 1000 percent (check out “The 'Seasons Of Sex' That Married People Go Through”). And so, if you’re reading this and you happen to be someone who plans on getting married someday, that is something that you should absolutely keep in mind. However, to the married folks, those seasons can happen less (or you can get through them faster) if you’re more intentional about doing things that can keep your sex life fresh and stimulating.
And one of those things includes…GETTING OUT OF THE DAMN BED.
5 Benefits of Having Sex Outside the Bedroom
Okay, so what are some of the benefits that come with making this minor coitus-related tweak?
1. Getting out of the bed is spontaneous. While reading an article that featured a survey of 500 Americans and 500 Europeans on their favorite place to have sex, the top rank was in public. I’m pretty sure that’s because it’s risqué, it’s random and the spontaneity of it all can be stimulating as all get out. Look, even if you’re not down for having sex in a restaurant or club bathroom, technically your backyard is still considered to be “public.” Pitch a tent and try it there. If you wait until nightfall, the fresh air and stars alone might get your adrenaline going…in ways you never expected.
2. Getting out of the bed is fun. It’s hard to be bored when you’re having fun and when you’re exploring something different with your partner, that can open the door to discuss new things, to laugh about new experiences, and to enjoy the trial and error of experimentation. Plus, laughter has been proven to release endorphins (feel-good hormones), which can make having orgasms easier. Besides, it’s kind of hard to not laugh, at least a little bit, when you’re in the midst of having a really good time — sex should also be considered a really good time.
3. Getting out of the bed can introduce you to new approaches to intimacy. Say that your man suggests going down on you on the countertop in the kitchen one day, out of the blue. I don’t mean during the midnight hour, either. I mean, when the sun is still out, and the curtains are slightly drawn. If normally, you’re down for some oral, yet you prefer to engage in pitch blackness while lying back on your mattress, being on the counter could “hit angles” that you didn’t know existed while being in the light could boost your sexual confidence in ways that you didn’t quite predict.
4. Getting out of the bed can teach you something else/different about your partner (and yourself). One of my clients once told me that when her husband recommended having sex in a Starbucks bathroom (one of the cleaner bathrooms, I’ve heard), she said that it caught her so off guard that they ended up having a long conversation about sexual fantasies. As a result, they decided to come up with sex-themed bucket lists every six months that consist of new things that they want to try. She said that it’s been one of the wisest moves that they’ve ever made. You can learn more about how to make your own by checking out, “This Is How To Create The Best Kind Of ‘Sex Bucket List.’”
5. Getting out of the bed can make your bedroom feel “new” again. You know what they say — absence makes the heart grow fonder, and if you aren’t always having sex in that bedroom of yours, that can actually make you “miss” it sometimes, especially if you decide to do some redecorating (as far as bedding and candles, etc. go) a couple of times a year.
As you can see, doing something as simple as having sex somewhere other than your bedroom can create a whole new world, quite literally, as far as your sex life is concerned.
One of the Best Places to Have Sex
What if I’ve got you convinced to get out of your bed, and, yet, you’re not quite ready to do anything that’s considered to be “too crazy” just yet? No problem. All you’ve got to do is head towards the place where apparently most people use as a safe out-of-the-bedroom go-to: their living room couch.
In fact, couches are apparently so “sex popular” that a few years back, GQ published a piece entitled, “Couch Sex Is the Best Sex.” Why? Couches are comfortable. Couches are different from a bed.
Also, the sex position possibilities that come with the help of a couch are pretty endless. Not only that, but when I asked some of my clients how they felt about having sex on their own couches, several told me that the 69 (oral) sex position is on a whole ‘nother level, thanks to the armrests on their couch (you’re welcome — LOL). So, if you’re wanting to “ease out” of the bedroom, sex-wise, try your couch. For starters.
15 Other Places to Have Sex (If You Haven’t Already)
Now that I’ve hopefully at least got you to consider getting out of the bedroom (period or far more often), let me share a quick list of places to try — in case you need a bit more inspiration:
1. The laundry room — with the cycle running, it’s like a huge vibrator.
2. The dining room — afteran aphrodisiac-filled romantic dinner. You’ll probably already havesome sex condiments within your arms’ reach.
3. In the shower. Before you hate, read this first: “So, This Is How To Make Shower Sex So Much Better.”
4. Against a wall — any wall. Have you noticed that some of the hottest sex scenes in movies are filmed up against a wall? It’s great for oral sex as well as intercourse.
5. In one of your closets. It’s in a close proximity, and you can hold on to racks that hold your hangers. Plus, it’s pitch black in there if dark is your thing…even in the daytime.
6. On throw pillows on the floor. Over the holidays, I watched a video of Nick Cannon with his firstborn twins at his house. One of his rooms is a theater room that’s filled with nothing but throw pillows. Personally, I’m a big throw pillow fan because they are cozy, comfy, and a great option for sitting on the floor. “Floor sex” conveys “gotta have you now” and the more lust that’s in the air, chances are, the better the sex will be.
7. In a rocking chair. Someone was recently telling me how amazing sex is in a tantra chair. When I looked one up, it reminded me of a chaise lounge. Anyway, that did get me thinking about how chairs can make for deeper penetration and super close face-to-face intimacy. If you step it up and get in a rocking chair, you can control the speed of the intercourse in a cool way. Try it and report back.
8. In a sleeping bag on your deck. Cuddling with your hubby is already going to get your oxytocin levels up. It would be a shame to let them go to waste, so strip naked from the waist down and engage in spoon sex. No one has to know (which is a part of the thrill!).
9. In an office. His or yours. I mean, even if it’s a home office, it qualifies.
10. Via a trampoline. I mean, you might’ve bought one for the kids. However, after you read Elite Daily’s “4 Sex Moves To Try On A Trampoline & Take Getting Frisky To New Heights,” you might wanna get one for yourself. #wink
11. On a truck bed. Down a country road. It’s rustic, raw and romantic. If you don’t have a truck, borrow or rent one. It’ll be worth it.
12. On a road trip. Rent an SUV that has tinted windows. While heading to wherever you’re going, stop and have sex in random spots along the way. This is where quickies can come in hella handy.
13. On the hood of your car. I mean, it can always be in the garage…if you’d prefer.
14. Airport parking lots — in the cheap section. Hey, if public sex is your thing, you can try those same tinted windows that I just mentioned in the airport lot sections that are super far from the airport because they are cheap. If you go up in there after midnight, barely anyone is around. Just sayin’.
15. While on a sexcation. Pretty sure it’s time for one of those, anyway (check out “Married Couples, It's Time For A Sexcation!”).
It’s actually a husband who once told me that it’s hard to get bored with your partner, so long as you both really desire each other and mutually want to keep your sex life strong. Changing locations can help with this, so use this year as the year to give it a shot. You might be surprised by how a simple shift can make sex the very kind that you’ve been longing for (lately)!
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