
Lose weight. Change jobs. Spend more quality time with the kids. These are the kinds of New Year's resolutions that are pretty common. But if you're married, tell me something. When's the last time you put a resolution on your list that specifically had to do with improving your sex life?

Being that 15-20 percent of married couples have sex less than 15 times a year, which is the textbook definition of a sexless marriage. I just read about a couple that's been married for 25 years and haven't had sex for 20 of 'em — W-O-W — and coupled with a considerable amount of women that still struggle with achieving a vaginal orgasm, and a lack of intimacy continuing to lead the pack of being a reason for divorce, doesn't it seem like wanting a better sex life should be a top priority? But how many couples actually make it so?

Sex Resolutions for Couples

Many reputable therapists and life coaches will tell you that there are two main reasons why resolutions fail within the first month of making them. One is due to a lack of accountability. The other has to do with not seeing immediate results. Well, if you want to have more mind-blowing sex, your spouse can serve as your accountability partner and, if you incorporate some of the things that I'm about to share with you, you'll be well on your way to seeing some pretty earth-shattering results!

Are you ready to make this the year of the best sex you've ever had in your entire married life? Read on below.

1.Upgrade Your Bedroom.

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Interior designers say it all of the time — the bedroom is for sex and sleep. But does your bedroom convey that kind of message? In other words, how sexy is that room in your house? If it's about as sexy as one of your kid's rooms, there's no time like the present to give it an upgrade.

As far as wall colors go, couples with caramel-colored ones reportedly get it on no less than three times a week, although eggplant and shades of blue can also get you in the mood. If it's time for a new mattress, a Sapira hybrid by Leesa one is firm and also absorbs a considerable amount of "movement noise" (if you've got kids). As far as bedding goes, cotton sheets with a real 200-thread count are affordable and comfortable. The color of them is up to you, but don't underestimate the power of some crisp white sheets. Word on the street is they subconsciously turn us on (which is a part of the reason why hotels use them).

2.Engage in a Little Morning Sex.

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Sex does everything from boost your immune system and reduce stress to lower your blood pressure and increase your brain power, so why not start off your day by participating in coitus — even if it's just a quickie? Morning sex is not only proven to be a healthy way to start the day, there's also tons of data to support that it can make you a lot more productive as well.

So, if you've been slackin' off on the job lately, don't say you don't know what you can do in order to remedy that. #justsaying

3.Snack on Some Halim Seeds.

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If your libido isn't as intense as it used to be (and your doctor has given you a clean bill of health), the first thing you should do is make sure you're getting no less than six hours of sleep; no one is in the mood if they're dead tired. The second is to snack on some seeds that are gaining the reputation of being quite the libido pick-me-up. They're called halim seeds (also known as garden cress seeds).

If you sprinkle them on your salads or use them as seasoning in your soup, the high amounts of iron and folic acid in them will help to rev your libido up again, along with improving your mood and cognitive brain function too.

4.Become a Karezza Expert.

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According to one study, less than half of married women desire sex on a consistent basis after four years of marriage. It's not due to a lack of interest in sex itself so much as it is about feeling emotionally disconnected from their spouse.

In walks karezza. If you don't speak Italian, it means "caress" in that language. It is the art of slowing things down — way down — in the bedroom. It's kind of like tantric sex, only you're focusing more on touching and fondling than deep breathing.

Couples who do it say that it's helped them to cultivate deeper intimacy and communication which has led to more intense orgasms. For more details on this particular sexual technique, check out "How Does Karezza Work?"

5.Play Some Board Games.

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When you've got kids, it's not always convenient or affordable to get a babysitter so that you and yours can go out. When date night is easier said than done, no problem — just pull out a few board games.

Put your children to bed early, pour from a bottle of red wine (an aphrodisiac), put on some of your favorite 90s R&B, and pull out an adult-only game like Monogamy, Nookii, or The Discovery Game.

They're sexy, they're fun, and they're a great way to get a little closer to your spouse. Literally.

6.Focus on (Non-Obvious) Erogenous Zones.

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If someone were to walk up to you right now and ask you to provide a list of male and female erogenous zones that don't include lips, breasts or genitalia, would you be able to do it?

The cool thing about erogenous zones is not only do they stimulate us, they also relax us as well. That's why offering to give your spouse a massage while focusing on their erogenous zones is a great way to set the perfect mood.

If you need a "zone cheat sheet", men's hot spots include the soles of their feet, thumbs, the crease in between his thighs and his buttocks, ears, neck, scalp and stomach. Women's include ears, neck, inner thighs, hands, belly button and, believe it or not, armpits (try it before you knock it).

7.Try the Hook Position.

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There are literally hundreds of sex positions (click here for some of 'em or Google "245 sex positions" for a site that's a little too racy for this one). But one that is currently getting rave reviews is the hook position. It's not complex. It's simply the missionary position with a woman "hooking" her legs over her partner's shoulders. It's all the rage because more and more couples are finding it to be one of the easiest ways for both partners to achieve an orgasm at the same time. BOOM!

8.Have Sex at 3PM (More Often).

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Like most things in life, our sex hormones are a bit of a roller coaster ride; sometimes they are way up and sometimes they are down. The time of day when a woman's cortisol levels spike (giving her more energy) and a man's estrogen levels are strongest (making him more willing to emotionally connect) is at 3PM.

It might not be the most convenient time of the day, but it's definitely an incentive to either take a late lunch break or finish all of your work so that you can leave early every once in a while.

9.Go to an Adults-Only Vacation Spot.

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11 percent of married couples go on weekly dates. Awesome!

30 percent go once a month. Not bad.

36 percent hardly ever do it. Now that just plain sucks.

If a couple doesn't go to dinner and a movie, it's probably a real stretch to think they go on romantic vacations. If you can't remember the last time you and yours booked a hotel reservation in the city you live in, let alone anywhere else, let 2019 be the year that you do.

Some of the hottest adults-only spots include the Secrets Marquis in Los Cabos, Dome-Shaped Tree House near Malibu, Auberge du Soleil in Napa Valley, Sandals LaSource Grenada or Twin Farms in Vermont (or check out some of the sexiest hotels in the world here).

If these all sound tempting but you don't know how in the world you'll be able to afford it, I wrote about a super-sexy way to pay for a vacation on this site a few months ago. Check out "5 Reasons Why Every Married Couple Needs a Sex Jar".

10.Make Sex Vows (and Renew Them Every Year).

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Enter into the union with formal vows. Vows are verbal promises, pledges, and commitments. I've yet to attend a wedding where sex was made a part of the ceremony vows but being that less than half actually have sex on their wedding night, perhaps it should. Then it would remind couples to make sex a top priority from day one.

It could be romantic, special, and oh so erotic to make it a tradition every year to exchange some vows, specifically about what you promise, pledge and commit to do for your spouse — sexually, of course — in the upcoming year.

If they're heartfelt — and graphic — enough, implementing those vows could become the way you both choose to ring in each and every year.

And since they say that the way you start a year is the way you end up ending it…well. (wink)

Featured image by Getty Images.



Your February 2025 Horoscopes Are All About Self-Love & Soulful Alignment

Explore your sign’s 2025 horoscope predictions to learn what is in store for you this year in love, career, and more. Check out the love compatibility of each sign to learn more about zodiac pairings and all things compatibility.

February is a coming together, as a culmination of community and abundance is evident. Some significant planets go direct this month after being retrograde since this past year, and we can finally take a deep breath. We walk into the month in Aquarius season, and the focus during this time is on coming together with the people you resonate with on a soul level, opening your heart to love, and gaining perspective in the process. When the Sun is in Aquarius, everything feels more electrified and inspiring, and this is one of the best months of the year to manifest and set your intentions.
20 Sweet & Fun Valentine's Day Ideas (Regardless Of Your Relational Status)

I’ve shared before, throughout the years that, although holidays aren’t exactly my thing, as a marriage life coach of over 20 years at this point, there is a theory about the origin of Valentine’s Day that I can low-key get down with. Legend has it that a priest from way back in the day ultimately became a martyr for marrying couples during a season of war (while Emperor Claudius II was ruling). Since it was believed that husbands didn’t make good soldiers, men weren’t allowed to marry during that time. St. Valentine didn’t care, though and he ultimately lost his life because of it.