This TikToker Is Creating A Safe Space For Women To Talk About Bacterial Vaginosis
Human Interest

This TikToker Is Creating A Safe Space For Women To Talk About Bacterial Vaginosis

As common as bacterial vaginosis (BV) is, no one likes to talk about it. And why would they want to? It’s an overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina that upsets the pH balance and can lead to a fishy smell, abnormal discharge, itching, and/or burning during urination. But there is one woman who decided to share her experiences with BV on TikTok and has garnered an audience of women who can also relate.

Roxanne Ramsey made a TikTok video venting her frustrations about BV after a doctor’s appointment, and from there she has continued to share stories and provide tips on treating BV, yeast infections, and UTIs.


I’m still shook by the amount of support I get and the community WE created! Y’all are really my besties!💕👯‍♀️👯‍♀️👯‍♀️#bacterialvaginosis #girlssupportgirls #girltalk #femininehealth

Roxanne spoke with YahooLife about the outpouring of support she has received since being open about her struggles. “I was really frustrated with the doctor," she said, "and after the appointment, I made a TikTok just to express my frustration."

In her initial video, she shared how her doctors didn’t believe that she was getting BV from having sex, something she was dealing with for years. She ultimately went to see a specialist that validated her suspicions and has since received the proper treatment.

From there, Roxanne began sharing tools and advice for her followers to help other women going through the same things.



♬ original sound - Kourtney D Butler

"I just want to open the conversation so that everybody can be open to talk about it,” she said. “If you have a discharge, and you don't know what it is, you're comfortable enough to comment in the comments and say, 'Hey, guys, I got a green discharge. Is it just me or is it normal?'"

Some of her videos include how you can do an at-home BV test, how to advocate for yourself at the doctor’s office, and her favorite products to use.

One of the tips she seems to share often in her videos is for women to see a UroGYN and test for ureaplasma, which is a bacteria that is found in the urinary or genital tract that is commonly passed through sex.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that non-white women have the highest rates of BV with Black women accounting for 51%. Some of the causes of BV are sex with a new partner or multiple partners, not using a condom, and douching.

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Featured image via TikTok




As they say, create the change you want to see in this world, besties. That’s why xoNecole linked up with Hyundai for the inaugural ItGirl 100 List, a celebration of 100 Genzennial women who aren’t afraid to pull up their own seats to the table. Across regions and industries, these women embody the essence of discovering self-value through purpose, honey! They're fierce, they’re ultra-creative, and we know they make their cities proud.


Let me just start this all off by saying that I will never be the kind of person who thinks that men and women can’t be friends (or that single people and married people can’t be friends). Choosing friends is about looking into someone’s character and how they complement your life; it should never be about their gender or relational status. Don’t get it twisted, though — in order to properly navigate the dynamic between a man and a woman, there are some things that should be pondered and then discussed.