
You are finally fed up with your boss and feeling undervalued and unappreciated. You are tired of making less money than you know you deserve and not receiving a promotion. Hell, you've barely received a pay increase (the small raise that you get once a year is beyond disrespectful). You now understand that your time is valuable, so why would you continue to give it to your company? Yep, it's time to chunk up the deuces.


Unless you have a lot of money saved up, quitting your job is not ideal if you don't have another one lined up. Although some people have quit their current job without having one, most people don't because of bills that need to be paid, families that need to be taken care of, and a host of other responsibilities. Looking for a job while you are still employed is not an easy task. You work a 40-hour work week, so when do you have time to job hunt and interview?

If you are looking for a way out from your current job, you can do so as long as you are strategic. Here are 7 tips on how you can successfully search and interview for other jobs, without getting noticed or getting fired.

1. Do your work while you are at work

Although it may be tempting to job search while at work, please refrain from doing so. While you are at your current job, continue to work very hard and deliver the best results. You never know when or if you will need to use your current employer for a reference. Prioritize your life and take time to fill out applications and submit resumes on the weekends, in the evening, or if you can, at a different location during your lunch break (we will talk about this soon).

2. Do not use your work computer or work equipment for your job search

Most companies monitor their employees internet usage so if I were you, I wouldn't gamble on using the work computer to search for jobs. Even if you do it when you are technically not at work (like on your lunch break), it is still against company policy to use your employer's electronic resources. Not only is job searching on the company's computer against policy, but it will distract you from doing the job that you are getting paid to do.

3. Utilize the power of your smartphone

There are so many mobile apps that are making the job search journey easier, including Switch and Jobr. Rayanne Thorn, Vice President of Product Marketing and Strategy at Technomedia Talent Management predicts that online job applications will be the new black.

"More and more people are using mobile for all computing and online activities — online job applications are the norm now. Gone are the days of simply walking into a workplace and filling out an application," says Thorn. "Applying online is now requisite in most pre-hire situations, and with over 7 billion mobile devices out there, applying via mobile should be an obvious standard."

In addition, many companies are realizing that more people use their mobile device for everything and are making it easier for applicants to apply for jobs. For example, LinkedIn allows companies to post jobs through their site. When a company posts their job, they can choose to either make the applicant apply directly from the company's site, or from LinkedIn. If you have a LinkedIn profile, you can easily utilize this advantage and apply for jobs with the convenience of your own phone. Another thing that you can do is download the LinkedIn Jobs app through your mobile app marketplace and apply for jobs through this app as well.

4. Keep your mouth closed

Just when you thought you had found your BFF at work, think again. People will screw you over, so you cannot go around trusting everyone. Even if you have been interviewing with another company and receive a "soft offer" or a contingent offer once your background and reference checks are complete, do not go around bragging about a potential job that you have before you sign on the dotted line. On another note, please do not feel obligated to tell your boss about your job search even if the two of you are close. Once you have received an offer, then you should give a courteous two-week (or more) notice.

5. Do not use your current boss as a reference (or anyone else at your company)

On most job applications, you will get the question of whether or not you are employed and if your current employer can be contacted. Always check the "no" box. It is important to be as discreet as possible until a firm offer is given and you have signed off of an offer letter. Most companies will understand why you are wanting to keep things confidential if you are still employed. Do not ever feel obligated to pass along your boss' information until your job offer is finalized.

6. Stay true to the workplace attire

At most companies, the dress attire is business casual, and unfortunately when you interview, you are expected to dress business professional (unless told otherwise). If you decide to take a half day and leave from work for the interview, wear something that meets your current workplace attire, but can be easily transformed into business professional fashion. For example, if you typically wear slacks and a button down shirt to work, keep your blazer in your car and pull it on before the interview.

7. Do not schedule conflicting interviews

Now this is the hardest thing to do, but it can be done. The best way to schedule your interview is to schedule it on a day that you are off. If you are planning to have a phone interview, only schedule it during work if you have a set lunch hour that will not change. For most companies, a preliminary phone interview is conducted first. During the phone interview, you want to make sure you are in a quiet place that is not distracting. It will not look good if you poorly schedule the phone interview, and the recruiter hears the background of the wind and your car while you are interviewing. If you have any personal or vacation days available, utilize those to arrange the interviews. If you choose to not take the whole day off, leave a little wiggle room when putting in a few hours off for your interview.

If you have ever looked for another job while still employed, share your secrets on how you have job searched. We want to know!



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