
I don't know who needs this, but you've been sleeping on yourself for too long sis. And it's time to wake TF up.

So often, we shrink ourselves to fit into spaces where we don't belong but in a recent interview with Glamour, Regina King had a word about reclaiming your time and stepping into your personal power that will get you all the way together. In the interview, Regina said that she, too, has been a sister in the self-doubt struggle, and explained that her biggest personal goal is to have the courage to be honest with herself, first. Regina told Glamour:

"I'm just allowing myself to be okay with being emotional and being honest about being emotional. I really think it's really important to be honest about all the stuff that we're feeling right now. The worst thing that we can do is to not be true to ourselves about how we feel."

Like most of us, Regina admitted to surrendering to imposter syndrome instead of stepping into her own power and said that's it's only by God's guidance that she's truly been able to access it.

"There are moments where I feel like when I can look back in life and definitely see that maybe I have more power than I thought I had, and because I didn't know, I didn't access it. I didn't allow myself to utilize it, because I just did not realize it."
"I can't say that there was a moment, a particular moment, where a light bulb went off that was like, 'Wow. You've got some cachet. You can move something.' But I will say that thank God for wisdom because I am much more in tune with that power…."

Although Regina tries her hardest to remain diplomatic, she says that since realizing her own personal power, she can't help but be a boss at any table she's sitting.

"I'm hesitating when I'm speaking about power as it relates to me because I have this able concern that it will come off like a dictator or something like that. There's that part of me that always wants to be careful not to come off like that, but I am definitely a person that likes to be in control. I guess I'm a walking contradiction. I think that's just human nature."

To read Regina's full interview, click here!

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Featured image by Kathy Hutchins / Shutterstock.com




If someone had told me I’d be working toward my third fibroid surgery in less than six years, I would have had a hard time believing them. First, because obviously, no one wants to ever hear the word "surgery" (unless it’s cosmetic surgery you’re opting for). But the more significant reason is I’d never heard any of the women in my life talk about fibroids, so the idea of having all of the complex issues because of them, on top of surgeries, was truly a foreign concept.

Are You Craving A Past Sex Partner Out Of Nowhere? It Could Be Your 'Sex Clock.'

Semi-recently, while talking to a client about why they were semi-dreading the fall season, it reminded me of something that a former sex partner of mine once told me. I’ll start with what my client said first. “Shellie, I don’t know what it is about the fall, but I can go the whole year without thinking about [so-and-so], and then, suddenly, November hits and I’m horny as hell — not just for anyone but him. It’s crazy!"

Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. I say that because…peep what my ex-sex buddy used to tell me when he would find himself doing his own version of “Hey Big Head”, in text form to me, every October for about five years or so. “Everyone has a sex clock. There are some people who stand out to you sexually who you definitely find yourself craving around the same time of year that you started having sex with them. People don’t talk about it but it’s real.”