
Healthy-looking skin is fine. Healthy, glowy skin is fire.

Since summer began, I’ve been obsessing over having the most radiant skin from head to toe. I’m talking illuminating so bright, Golden Hour looks like it lasts all day. There’s a lot of factors to consider when searching for the perfect body glow product because they all serve different purposes. I, personally, love more of a wet look but my best friend prefers to shimmer like a character from Twilight. There’s also the consideration of those who like a natural gleam that melts into the skin. Some products come in the form of a serum or oil, some are scented with beneficial ingredients, and a few even have SPF protection.

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The difficulties of dating go without saying. We live in a generation where women are expected to abide by innumerable unwritten dating rules, including what and what not to ask on the first few dates. So we deprive ourselves of precious time talking about things that don’t even matter. Well, I want a soft life, and closed mouths don’t get fed.

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“You’re shaming the ancestors by being ashamed of your hair.”

Intimidating words from a natural hair influencer I scrolled past on Instagram. They’re also a thought process I fully believed well into my late 20s – or so I thought.

My early years at Howard University didn’t agree with my lifestyle. My hair was big, but fine. Long, but not flexible. Workable, yet disobedient. Aside from not having time to bargain with mischievous curls ahead of 8 a.m. classes, the peer pressure was on another level. Howard girls have been known to carry themselves in the best-polished light. We’re changemakers in society, but trendsetters on the regular. It’s a vain, materialistic truth that I’m not ashamed to be proud of. So I questioned, who was I to contradict a century-long stereotype?

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