In the backseat of your car not too long ago, things got a little heated.

I went from indulging you from the passenger seat to laying face down, ass up in the backseat. As you finish, I knew that just as you came, you would also cum to your senses…if you catch my drift. I look out of the window to make sure no cars were coming, open the door, pull my panties up, and my dress down. As I'm adjusting myself, I slowly feel your remains falling out of me. What the hell did I just get myself into? Another moment of after happy hour sex may have just cost me my ass this time. I look at you in despair as you ask me what's wrong, and I casually, yet with much remorse ask, "Did you nut in me?”

That is a moment I will never forget.

The next few days were so frightening. I was feeling scared, my body was extremely tense, and in my mind I was definitely later than expected on my cycle. Not only was my period missing, but so were you.

Usually after sex, I don't hear from you until you're ready to feel me again, but this time was different. See, this time I was actually afraid. Not that you hadn't text me, or checked on me, no. I was afraid that if I was to be pregnant, that you would be the father. That single thought alone ruined me.

See, for years I adjusted.

I adjusted to secretly being the love of your life behind many closed doors and somehow I became okay with it. It had become an identity of mine that I wasn't ready to part with, one that I also had gotten away with without the fear of consequences. Until now. As the thoughts of pregnancy ran through my mind, I began to think of the life my child would have to endure with not only me, the insane mentally unstable person I had become. Or you, the emotionally unavailable, egotistical male that seemed to neglect or run away from anything that came close to making an impact on his heart.

If you couldn't love me, what could you do for a child that you helped create?

It was within those moments of thoughts that I knew I had to let you go. I didn't want a child, and it's not because I didn't want to bring one into the world, but I could allow myself to put another human through the heartache and pain that I allowed for myself for so long. I knew that I wanted the father of my child to be one who respects me and loves me enough to love me in public just as much as he loves me in private. I knew that I wanted the father of my child to be my best friend and my soulmate, and not just one who occasionally touches my soul with strokes other than his ego. It couldn't be you, and I had to assure that.

[Tweet "A pregnancy scare scared me away from you."]

Away from casually loving you, and into deep hiding to where loving myself was only a page away. For so many years I had never been punished for loving you. For so many years, I got away with being filled with everything inside of you, except your heart and it finally caught up to me.

This is an open letter to my former situationship. Like a lot of women, I found myself involved with a man I knew wasn't right for me. I subjected myself to late night/backseat after hours rendezvouses with a man who had no real attachment to me.

I accepted the "love" I thought I was worth, and since I felt like nothing, I was content with him treating me like nothing, using and abusing me, until he came and went and I had nothing left.

I knew I deserved more, but at the time, I didn't love me enough to even open my mouth in an attempt to vocalize those needs.

Although the transition was hard, I can proudly say that it's been a few months since I've let go and allowed myself to recover with this revelation.

Here are ways I used my pregnancy scare to help me regain my self worth:

I looked at the woman I was on the road to becoming.

I wrote down my goals, and looked at the progress I had made mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I began to look at the bad habits (the type of men that I was after) and realized that the men that I had been entertaining didn't add up or bring something greater to what I was already giving myself.

I began to take a deeper look into my mental health.

If you look up the definition of insanity, one of the things that will pop up is doing something that is very foolish or unreasonable. That is exactly what I was doing. And repeatedly. Mentally, I had tricked myself into thinking that it was okay for me to be controlled by my fear of being alone and I allowed a foolish treatment to myself. This made me weaker mentally.

I stopped looking for potential.

The good thing about growth and maturity is that as you get older, you begin to rid yourself of the Disney fairytales of a guy going through hell and high water to get the woman of his dreams back after he allowed the ball to drop. Potential is so powerful when actions are provided with it. No actions were put in place for the situation that I was in, just kind words and temporary gestures. Don't get it twisted, that by itself is not potential. As women, we have to realize we deserve so much more.

[Tweet "Potential only has power when actions are provided with it."]

I know now what I truly deserve, and I've grown so much since then.

Thank God for that pregnancy scare.

Have you ever had an awakening moment in your journey to loving yourself and having self worth? Share with us below!


Chelsey Cummings is a 24 year old, Texas Southern University student who resides in Houston, Texas. Majoring in Communications with a focus in Print Journalism, with hopes of becoming a published author. Follow her readings on keepingupwithchello.wordpress.com and Instagam: keepingupwithchello.



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