Sex Won't Give You A Big Butt + Other Myths About Women's Bodies

Sex Won't Give You A Big Butt + Other Myths About Women's Bodies

Since the beginning of patriarchal time, men have policed women's voices, rights, bodies, and sexual identities.

You can imagine of course, that there have been many false belief systems that even some women still subscribe to. This piece will address and debunk five of the major misconceptions about the female form and psyche.

Bras Don't "Save" Boobs

As a member of #teamNoBra, and a supporter of the #saggyboobsmatter movement, I can't stand when men assume that women who don't wear bras will face droopy boob syndrome in the future. In actuality, wearing a bra does not stop your boobs from sagging in the future. In fact, wearing a bra weakens the muscles in your breasts. Scientists have actually insisted that women wear bras as little as possible.

So, just get over the myth guys! The only thing that defies gravity around here is a Black girl's hair, so leave our tatas alone!

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5 Things To Tap Into For 'UnPrisoned' Season 2

This article is sponsored by Hulu.

UnPrisonedhas returned for its highly anticipated second season, delving deeper into the complex dynamics of the Alexander family.

The series premiere comes a year after its debut season garnered rave reviews from fans and critics and earned record-breaking ratings for Hulu's Onyx Collective brand. UnPrisoned's success can be attributed to its raw, relatable themes and comedic appeal.

What Does It Truly Mean To Engage In 'Safe Sex'?

As I’m in the process of writing a follow-up to what I call my “sexual autobiography,” it’s interesting that while I’m not nearly talking about as much “sex fallout” as before (you’ve got to be having as much sex in order to do that), as I’m revisiting my past and updating readers on it, one word that just keeps on coming up is SAFE.

Honestly, it’s not just sexually where "safe" has become a real theme word for me and how I (now) choose to live. And that’s because, looking back over a significant portion of my life, “safe” was not something that was prioritized because safe wasn’t something that was (consistently) modeled or expressed to me.