
A fall trend quickly gaining momentum, animal prints are adorning the nails of all your favorites. There's something effortless about the neutral nature of animal prints, which also makes them the perfect accessory for the transitional season. The long-time fashion favorite is transitioning to the nail world and making waves as it does.

Whether it's the ever-popular cheetah or the newly re-imagined Dalmatian spots, take a look at how the best are styling this animal print nail design trend.

To get your beauty fix and to stay up to date with the latest trends, check out the xoNecole Beauty section here.

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Melanie Fiona

Melanie Fiona is back! After taking a little more than a decade-long hiatus, she has officially made her return to music and blessed us with two singles, “Say Yes” and “I Choose You.” While both singles are very different from each other, they both reflect who she is today and the type of music she wants to make. In our conversation, the mom of two expressed what she learned during her time away.

“It's interesting, even when I said it is like coming back, I don't ever feel like I really left because I was always still performing. I've still been public. It's not like I went into being this recluse person or version of myself, but the thing that I really learned in this process is that I think things take time,” Melanie says in a xoNecole exclusive.

How 10 Couples Reignited Their Sex Lives After Facing A Sexless Marriage

No matter which client (of mine) you talk to, if you were to ask them about one thing that I’m going to inquire about, during pretty much every session, it’s how their sex life is going. There are a ton of reasons why; however, the main one is because, when two people sign up to share their lives, intimately, only with one another until death parts them, a part of what comes with that is well, a consistent sex life— and if sex ain’t happening, that ain’t good; this includes if it’s only happening 10-15 times a year because that, my friends, is considered to be a sexless marriage.