
What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Securing The Bag

If there is one thing that we all have in common, it would most definitely be the desire to be financially secure and self-sufficient. We all have our ways of making a living, putting food on the table, and keeping a roof over our heads. This read will help you use the strengths of your astrological traits to attain financial abundance, as well as reveal the astrological weaknesses that may be blocking you from securing the bag. A commonality amongst all of the signs is the power of letting go.

Click through the gallery below to learn more about what your zodiac traits say about your financial well-being.


Aries, you are one of the most aggressive and fiery signs in the whole zodiac. This makes you very determined and full of passionate energy, however, this same characteristic may leave you feeling defeated, stagnant, or lost when initial plans don't work out. Learn to jump over the hurdles without damaging too much of your spirit in the landing. Learn how to cut your losses and spare the intense feeling of failing. Channel this energy into playing the game by finessing and honing your skills and talents all the way to the top spot. In order to secure the bag, you must be able to come back from a fall with grace.

Get Money Tip: Shameless self-promotion will get your foot in the door. Let the finesse games begin!


Taureans are one of the most dependable and stable signs in deck. People with a Taurus Sun tend to be self-sufficient. The problem with Taureans is once they are stuck in a rut, it is hard to get out due to a stubborn nature. Taureans tend to have larger than life ideas that they become fully emotionally connected to. In order to secure the bag, we need to maximize our organizational skills and learn how to speed up our decision-making processes in a grounded way. Don't let the bag pass you by because of indecisiveness. Pick a plan and stick to it while going with the flow and allowing new opportunities to take you on divine detours.

Get Money Tip: Start putting money aside every week. Don't dip in it and don't dodge it. You don't even have to be sure exactly what you're saving money for, but when you need it for something, you will be thankful you stashed up.


Geminis are known for having the gift of gab, but what comes along with that package is the tendency to talk down on one's own self. Because of the double-sided nature of the Gemini, sometimes it's easy to go through extremes of "feeling yourself" and "feeling down in the dumps". When it comes to self-sufficiency, learn how to balance your own expectations for financial success. Don't set the bar so high that you can't reach it. Work with what you got and don't tie yourself to a luxurious ideal of what you want to be. Trust the process, and trust that you are enough to get you there.

Get Money Tip: Nothing is wrong with a little money motivation. Start your day out with positive affirmations surrounding financial goals.


Cancers are one of the most emotionally motivated and intuitive signs of the zodiac. There is not much you do without the input of how you are feeling about the given situation. Therefore, you will never find fulfilling financial abundance if you are not emotionally inspired by your work. The best way to secure your bag is to be dedicated to something that you look forward to waking up in the morning and doing. Involve yourself in something that makes you feel nostalgic. The abundance will come if you follow your heart and release the heartache of doing something that you know is not for you.

Get Money Tip: Take a minute to write down what you are passionate about, then figure out how you can monetize the most bankable desire.


Leos are natural-born leaders, which makes them great entrepreneurs and self-made visionaries. They often do well in supervisory positions. The downside is that the Leo nature can also be a very opinionated one. In order to secure the bag, consider letting your guard down in order to let other people use their expertise to enrich whatever it is you have going on. There is power in numbers, so learn to balance your leadership skills with your teamwork skills. The dream works when the team works. Release your desire to do things only on your own terms to maximize that lion heart of yours.

Get Money Tip: Take a step back to take three steps forward. Survey where your strengths and weaknesses are, and don't be afraid to enlist a comrade.


Virgos are absolute go-getters and work hard to get what they want. It's very hard for a Virgo to take "no" for an answer, and this is one of the reasons why they always deliver. Punctuality and taking advice from others on the other hand is something that the Virgo spirit might have a hard time with. Allow yourself to be open to criticism and be able to recognize your mistakes and bad habits. Sometimes your free-spirited nature disallows you to take what you dish out. Let nature take its course in any financial venture you are tackling. Learn through trial and error, and don't be afraid to master your craft by getting your hands dirty.

Get Money Tip: Get feedback on whatever it is you do. If you offer a service or sell a product, ask customers to give reviews. If you are a creator, ask for honest opinions. Use this information to better understand how you can grow and become even better at what you do.


Libras like to be sound in mind and make weighted decisions. You are the master of analyzing your pros and cons. This makes you a responsible person when it comes to money. At the same time, Libras are caught between the reasonable mind and intuition. Therefore, if both of these things are not balanced and in alignment, you may find yourself feeling blocked and unable to manifest abundance. Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself if you hit a wall. Listen to your inner voice and then make your strategic moves.

Get Money Tip: Meditation may help you get through whatever obstacle you find yourself at when it comes to securing the bag. Take the time to place your situation into perspective, and go from there.


Due to your passionate, creative and spiritual nature, you tend to be the sign that is most sensitive about your shit! You create mostly from inspiration and your work reflects your innermost truth or personal values. You don't skimp on what you present to the world, especially if you are an artist. Sticking to your values will help you manifest abundance, but be very wary of the company you keep. You likely have a bunch of people who want to be in the mix, but don't allow bad company to poison your sacred gifts to the world.

Get Money Tip: Keep your professional circle small. Too many hands in the pot will spoil the soup. Make sure your environment is clear of bad energy to maximize your creative or technical process.


Sagittarius signs are characteristically intense both physically and emotionally. This trait makes you a workhorse and one of the most driven signs. Your reputation is of the utmost importance to you, especially when it comes to your business. When shit hits the fan, however, you may tend to fall hard. When things go awry, do your best to be sound in mind. Instead of jumping back into the chaos, take a moment to reset and revitalize. Don't be afraid to retrace your steps and be practical about how to salvage any collateral damage. Once you move from a place of clarity, watch the money pile in.

Get Money Tip: If you've invested in something that you can intuitively see might not be going well, cut your losses, and resolve any existing financial binds. Regenerate your funds and find a new angle or route altogether.


Due to the very practical and organized nature of the Capricorn, you usually have each dollar calculated down to the cent. You are also a boss when it comes to your finances and your business acumen and can't nobody get nothing pass you! At the same time, your GOAT nature keeps you glued to the same script! Be willing to add a little fun and spontaneity into your mode of money-making. You might be able to work a structured job, but your heart is calling out for you to put some time into something you are passionate about. Don't be afraid to add a splash of color in your money-making palette.

Get Money Tip: If you have a hobby or a passion that you are great at, you should think about making a way to earn some extra cash by doing what you love. More importantly, this might fill a void that you might have been missing.


Aquarians are creative and imaginative by nature. They have big hearts and often find themselves working to help people in a very hands-on or philanthropic way. You are always more than happy to pitch in and offer your support in whatever way you you can. This trait makes you reliable and a strong asset to the team. At the same time, you have been known to be taken advantage of because you often don't know when to let a non-satisfactory job or position go. In order to secure the bag, make sure that you are getting back what you put in. Don't be afraid to speak your piece and set any wrongdoings straight. If the people around you respect you, they will respect your courage and honesty. If the people around you are disingenuous, you will gain more in the loss of that company than you would sticking around.

Get Money Tip: If your work environment is not your cup of tea, make money moves to relieve yourself and find a better opportunity. If you feel that your work is worth the fight, then make sure you are compensated for your worth.


Pisces, you tend to be more on the creative and whimsical side, which gives you the benefit of being multi-talented and being interested in many different things. If you are outgoing, you tend to be good with people and your energy is very appealing in crowds. The problem you might face is buckling down and committing to doing just one thing. This trait might leave you financially living on the edge so-to-speak. If you can find something stable that feeds your creative nature, you will be able to supplement your finances with whatever tickles your fancy.

Get Money Tip: Start a blog or lifestyle brand of some sort. Whether you are into makeup, music, or some other creative expression, use this gift to start gaining a following on social media and turn it into cash.

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Originally published on March 20, 2018