
“When I meet someone I want to enjoy the moment of connecting with them. If they’re scrambling to get a picture to post on twitter, they’re losing the memory by missing the moment. Real life and social networking are not the same. I’m in a hotel room right now looking out at Central Park. The people out there are living life, playing soccer. Do I want to kick the ball? Or take a picture of it? I want to kick it.”–Queen Latifah

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I was born in '91 and my childhood consisted of Walt Disney fairytales and black classics such as, Love and Basketball, and my personal favorite, Love Jones. I am not ashamed to admit that I am a hopeless romantic.

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The road to self-love is one hell of a ride.

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Two hours before the start of this year I experienced a heartbreak that crushed my soul.

The guy I had been seeing on-and-off for the past three years had asked me for a “break.” This was not the first time I had experienced this kind of talk with him, but this time it was on New Year’s Eve. Two hours before midnight when I should have been preparing for a New Year's kiss, I was instead wiping my tears.

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If you look at any sportswear ad or fitness magazine, you tend to see the same slender and toned images over and over again. We live in a society where being skinny is often associated with being healthy. If a person is fat it is automatically assumed that they're unhealthy.

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