
Life-Changing Habits To Start Your Week Off Right

I have a love-hate relationship with Mondays. It's the beginning of the week and is a welcomed fresh start, but the weekend I'm ready for is so far away and the one that just passed seems like it was only 20 minutes long.

From Manic Mondays to Monday Blues, it's safe to say we have a culture that simply doesn't like Mondays, except for the ones we have off because that means we get a longer weekend.

But whether we like it or not, Mondays are going to keep coming around, so we might as well make the best of them. Changing our perception of Mondays can change our week and so much more, it's all about perspective.

Check out a few habits that can make your Monday more exciting and a day you actually look forward to.

Set A Bedtime For Sunday Night

The true success of a Monday morning and a good work week begins on Sunday night. How you wrap up the weekend can truly determine the flow of your Monday, which in turn could determine how well your week goes. Setting a bedtime for Sunday night is almost a guaranteed way for you to wake up feeling well-rested when you wake up on Monday morning. It's no secret the more rest you get, the better you feel. While getting 8 hours of sleep a night feels like an act of Congress for some, I've found it's helpful to at least try to get as close as I can on Sunday nights.

Don't Hit Snooze

If anyone knows how much easier this is said than done, it's me. I'm one of those people who have multiple alarms set every 15 minutes before I actually have to get out of bed, putting it off as long as possible. Still, this doesn't put you in the best mental state for Mondays. Hitting snooze can negatively impact your morning and even your day in ways you might not realize. While it feels good to us all (I think we've all had those "just 5 more minutes" moments that date back to our childhood), the more you do it, the more thrown off your brain and body get before you even get up. Even though you think you're getting more sleep, you can wake up feeling even more tired and throw off your sleep schedule, and your Monday, by not getting up at the same time each day.

Related: 33 Morning Rituals To Start Your Day

Meditate On Your Day Ahead Of Time

When you do wake up, before you get out of bed, take about 15 minutes to reflect on the day ahead. See everything going right, from being on time for work and having interactions with people of influence, to just having an amazing day in general. Rest your mind and start your week off with a clean slate. Of course, things don't always go the way you plan, but if you see it happening, it can get you inspired, motivated, and ready for your day before it actually starts.

There are several benefits to morning meditation, especially on Mondays, such as lowering your stress level, improving your diet, boosting your focus level, and increasing your ability to multitask. You can also use these moments of silence to pray to your heart's content and make your to-do list for the day.

Related: Get Your Whole Life: Amplify Your Meditation & Affirmation Rituals With Crystals

Get Moving

There are only a few things that can start your week off better than a Monday morning workout. Most of the battle is within your mind, so once you decide that nothing can stop you from getting your fitness on for a Monday morning, most of the fight is done. If you're not big on going to the gym, there are other fitness options you can take advantage of in the morning. You could use a fitness DVD that you can do from the comfort of your living room, or search for the countless workout videos on YouTube, or simply go for a walk/run. Whatever you do, just get moving. Morning workouts can lower your stress level, curve your appetite for the rest of the day, and put you in a better mood—all of which you definitely need for a Monday.

Eat Breakfast

There's a reason it's considered the most important meal of the day. Starting off your Monday with a healthy and balanced breakfast can really set the tone for the rest of your day. Without it, you could end up going to work hangry and throwing off all types of vibes. Skipping breakfast has the potential to deplete your energy and also causes your body to store more fat as you go longer without eating. On the opposite side, if you do eat breakfast, your body and brain will thank you as it can improve your mood, productivity, and focus for the day.

Have A #NoWorkZone Until You Get To Work

As tempting as it might be, try not to do any work until you actually get to work. Even though answering emails while you're still in the bed and making a call while you're in the car are pretty noble moves when it comes to your dedication to your career, it can interfere with your work-life balance, cause you to be drained before you step foot into the office, and believe it or not, make you even less productive throughout the day. This is definitely not the best way to start your Monday.

Positive Vibes Only

Ultimately, the best thing you can do for yourself on a Monday is stay positive. It's easy to blame anything that goes wrong on the day of the week but changing your attitude about Mondays can do wonders. It's not just the end of a weekend or the beginning of a new work week. It's the perfect time for you to set goals for the week – professionally and personally—and make good on anything that could have gone wrong the week before. It might sound cliché but anytime you feel like complaining on a Monday, replace it with an attitude of gratitude.

Monday will probably never become the new Friday, but if you're intentional about being positive about it, it will definitely be a day you can start looking forward to.

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