
10 Foods You Should Eliminate From Your Diet If You're Trying To Lose Weight

Weight loss is undoubtedly the most common New Year's Resolution. We try year-after-year to lose that 15 lbs we gained over the holidays but the scale refuses to budge and we deem weight loss an unsolved mystery. If you're a part of those who find weight loss to be a complete conundrum, you can begin your journey by eliminating unhealthy foods that we love to indulge in, out of your diet. "While I'm not one for wanting people to eliminate food groups/food choices from your diet forever, it is certainly important for you to remove foods from your diet that will not fuel your body properly to lose weight," says food nutrition specialist and certified trainer Tasha Turnbull.

We've enlisted Tasha's help because this girl boss and owner of T2 Fitness Studio, in Virginia Beach, VA, knows firsthand what it takes to shed that weight because she lost 100 lbs. If weight loss is the goal, here are the foods she recommends cutting out of your diet:

10 Foods To Avoid If You Want To Lose Weight


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Dairy is low carb and adding a slice of cheese to your favorite turkey burger hits the spot. However, dairy can cause bloating, issues with digestion, inflammation to the body, and water retention because of the sodium included in its chemical makeup. All of the side effects I mentioned about eating dairy are not all directed at weight loss. Nevertheless, dairy can play a huge role in how your waistline and skin appear, in addition to the numbers on the scale.

Processed Meats.

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Fatty meats such as hot dogs, sausages, ham, and corned beef are meats that have been smoked, salted, cured, dried, or canned. The amount of sodium in processed meats is unreal. Lean protein is a better choice of meat, which keeps us satisfied and fuller longer without the added unnatural preservatives.


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Desserts such as pastries, cookies, and cakes should be avoided during this time period due to their high sugar level, unhealthy fat content, and high level of calories with little to no nutrients the body needs to lose weight. Drop the dessert and focus on filling your body with lighter foods that can help drop the weight.

White And Multigrain Bread.

Stack Of Breads

White bread provides calories to the body with very little nutrients and the carbohydrates in white bread will break down as sugar once it enters the body and be stored as fat. Although multigrain bread may appear healthier than white bread, multigrain has no whole grains, therefore we are missing out on valuable nutrients our bodies need to equip itself. Reach for whole grain bread instead because it has more fiber and minerals that aid in digestion and can lower cholesterol.

Granola Bars.

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Although granola bars appear to be healthy; oftentimes, they can be looked at as glorified candy bars. Some of your favorite granola bars are filled with high fructose corn syrup, milk chocolate, raisins (which offer no nutritional value), puffed rice, and very little protein. Instead of the granola bar, opt for a handful of nuts, such as walnuts or almonds, and a handful of berries and keep it moving.

Sugar-Free Products.

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Since the low-carb movement is still in effect, brands have been quick to create conveniently packaged products that are sugar-free. Usually, when a company decides to remove a nutrient from a product, they have to add more salt, fat, and/or other man-made ingredients to mimic the original version of the product. In order to lose weight, we are looking to create a calorie deficit so we need to expend more energy than we take in. Instead of searching for the sugar-free version of foods, eat the regular version and keep your portions to a minimum.

Gluten-Free Products.

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Gluten-free products should never be interpreted as weight-loss products. Just because the gluten has been removed from a product, does not mean its calorie-free, fat-free, or sugar-free. Fresh foods, such as whole fruits and vegetables, are naturally gluten-free, so enjoy these instead. However, when it comes to packaged gluten-free products, unless you suffer from celiac disease, stick to the original version and limit your portions to a small serving.

100-Calorie Snacks.

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Even though your snack may only contain 100 calories, those empty calories may not be satisfying enough to keep hunger at bay. When snacking, aim for your snack to include a healthy carbohydrate (i.e. an apple) and protein (i.e. a tablespoon of almond butter). The carbohydrates give you the energy you need to push through for the next couple of hours and the lean protein keeps you satisfied until your next meal.

Microwave Popcorn.

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Although several microwave popcorn brands have always included low-fat options, the bags it's popped in leaves you at risk of consuming unhealthy chemicals, which can increase your risk for developing high cholesterol, thyroid, and bladder issues. A better alternative to microwave popcorn is air-popped popcorn, flavored with some of your favorite seasonings. Remember, although air-popped popcorn is a healthy carbohydrate, there is no need to overeat. To lose weight, opt for a serving of the air-popped popcorn and be sure to indulge in physical activity.


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Sorry ladies, but alcohol acts as a depressant once it enters the body. The body stops trying to metabolize any of the food you've eaten for the day and focuses on getting rid of the alcohol. Regularly drinking alcohol can reduce your metabolism, which is the rate at which your body burns fuel. Furthermore, when people drink, they often need to take in more carbohydrates to "soak up" all of the alcohol, which can cause havoc in your quest to lose weight. To effectively lose weight, you often need a clear head to make healthier decisions on a consistent basis in order to see progress.

Tasha offers these words of wisdom to begin the new year right, "Do yourself a favor: save empty calories, save money, and focus on choosing the right foods to make better decisions in 2019."

To learn more about Tash and the T2 movement, check out her Instagram.

To learn more about Tash and the T2 movement, check out her Instagram.

Feature image by Getty Images.

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