
The Best Butt Exercises For A Booty That Won't Quit

For many women, perfecting the best butt-workout can seem like an uphill battle. And similar to the push of a boulder uphill, it is very easy to watch everything fall out of place when you have a misstep with the wrong workout routine. So, how can you get the chiseled, goddess, Beyoncé-like bum you've been struggling for? Well, it's simple, and believe it or not, it requires nothing more than some dumbbells and exercise ball.

Click through the slideshow below to check out the top exercises to get a more sculpted, toned booty that won't quit all year long.

*For each workout, choose a combination of at least eight different exercises. Complete 10-15 repetitions, and two to three sets.

Curtsy Lunge


Here's how it's done:

Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and lift your left foot, stepping backward and to the right to cross behind your right foot. From this crossed position, perform a lunge, engaging glutes, abs, and hamstrings to lower. Push off your left foot to stand. Repeat on the other side.

Dumbbell Squat to Press


Here's how it's done:

Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand in the rack position. Squat down, keeping your weight on your heels and your butt and down. As you stand back up, press the dumbbells up from your shoulders to overhead. Then, lower back down and repeat.

Butt Kick-Back with Band


Here's how it's done:

Sit on the floor and place the band around your toes. Then, flip onto your hands and knees with your hands under your shoulders and your knees underneath your hips, your back flat and your head down. Extend your right leg all the way back, kicking it into the air for one rep.

Bulgarian Squat with Slam or Exercise Ball


Here's how it's done:

Stand with your feet together in front of your slam ball or exercise ball. Step your right foot back and place your toes on the top of the ball. Keeping your weight in your left heel, slowly lower your body into a lunge, bending your right knee towards the floor. Your left knee should form a 90-degree angle to the floor. Ensure that your left knee is stacked above your ankle. Straighten both legs and return to standing.

Deep Squat


Here's how it's done:

Stand tall with your feet wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed out about ten to 15 degrees. Keeping your back straight, lower your butt as close as you can to the ground without losing your balance. Return to start for one rep.

Walking Lunge


Here's how it's done:

Step forward with right foot; using your glutes, hamstrings, and core, lower into a lunge. Lift your left foot and step forward, immediately dropping into a lunge on the other side. Continue to "walk" forward.

Leg Lift


Here's how it's done:

Lie down on one side with your legs straight and stacked and your top hand on the floor in front of you. Prop up your head on the other hand. Slowly lift your leg as high as you can while keeping your bottom leg on the floor. Make sure that your lifted leg remains straight. Return to start for 1 rep. Do 3 sets of 20 reps per leg.

If you need more of a challenge, you can add a band above your knees or at the middle of your calves.



Here's how it's done:

Lie face-up with knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your hips straight up off the ground, engaging glutes and bracing your core. Lower down slowly, creating your own resistance.

Single-leg Glute Bridge


Here's how it's done:

Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor. Extend one leg. On your exhale, squeeze your glutes and push your hips toward the ceiling as high as you can. Pause, then lower until your butt hovers right above the floor, and repeat without touching the ground to complete one rep.

Bear Plank Leg Lifts


Here's how it's done:

Begin in a plank position with your shoulders stacked above your wrists and your body in a straight line between the top of your head and heels. Lift your right legs and bend the knee 90 degrees, bringing your heel toward your butt. With a flexed foot, squeeze your glutes and raise your right heel toward the ceiling as high as you can. Pause, then bring your right knee back to meet your left knee to complete one rep.

Single-Leg Deadlift


Here's how it's done:

Stand all with a kettle-bell or dumbbell in your right hand, left had on your hip. Shift your weight to your right leg and lean forward, hinging at your hops, bringing your left leg off the floor behind you. Keep your back straight and the weight close to your body as you lower it as close to the floor as you can. Use your glutes to straighten back up for one rep.

Side Skaters


Here's how it's done:

Stand with your feet together and crouch down by pushing your hips back, keeping your back flat and abs engaged. Jump as far as you can to the right, landing lightly on the ball of your foot. Then, jump as far as you can to the left, engaging glutes to push off, and land lightly on left foot. Repeat. Need to make it easier? Take big steps side to side.

Marching Hip Lift


Here's how it's done:

Lie face-up with your knees bent, feet on the ground, and abs engaged. Lift your hips as you squeeze your glutes—like you did with the bridge. Now raise your right foot a few inches off the ground and straighten your leg. Try not to let your hips twist. Lower your right foot to the ground as you pick up your left foot. Repeat "march" on the other side; make sure to focus on squeezing your glutes throughout.

Hip-Thrust Single-Arm Reach


Here's how it's done:

Sit on your butt, knees bent, and with your feet hip-width distance apart. Place hands on the ground directly under your shoulders with your fingers facing away from your body. Squeeze your glutes to lift hips into a tabletop position and hold. Reach your right arm on a high diagonal motion across your body, while keeping your hips straight. Make sure to avoid twisting your hips. After this, ower your hips and hands to the ground. Repeat on the other side.



Here's how it's done:

Stand in front of a bench, chair, or step. Place your left foot on the bench and step up, engaging your left glute to lift. Make sure not to push off your right foot. Straighten the left leg to stand tall, then slowly lower yourself, sending your hips back and bend your left knee. Repeat on the other side. If you want a challenge, get a higher step. The higher your step or bench, the more challenging the moves will be.

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