Something that I've been told my entire life is that I don't have much of a screensaver on my face. Translation — whatever I'm thinking, it shows up on my face.

Luckily, because a lot of the marriage life coaching I do happens over the phone, this isn't an issue. I say that because whenever I hear one or both my clients say that they don't participate in oral sex, you should see my facial expression. It's a combination of "Huh?!", "You can't be serious," and "Come here, you need a hug."

The Health Benefits of Swallowing

Aside from the pleasure provided, there are all sorts of health benefits that oral sex provides. For instance fellas, did you know that a woman's vagina contains 100,000 to 100 million Lactobacillus cells in just one gram of her vaginal fluid? That makes it the ultimate kind of probiotic, which are needed in order to keep your gut healthy, your heart strong, and your brain working at its optimal level. (The more you know!)

I could go on and on about what a woman's womb can do for a man. But since this site is all about empowering women, let me take a few moments to share what makes sperm and semen (the fluid that carries sperm) a superpower in its own right!

Sperm is the Ultimate Multi-Vitamin

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Let's begin by doing a brief rundown of what sperm contains. A tiny teaspoon's worth of sperm contains 200 different proteins, vitamins B12, C and E, zinc, calcium, citric acid, glucose, fructose, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium, estrogen, testosterone, DHEA (a steroid hormone), TRH (a mood enhancer), sodium, copper, lipids and even ammonia (which is a hint of what you probably taste in ejaculate). And that's literally only scratching the surface!

Sperm is an Anti-Depressant

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Depression ain't nothin' to play with. So, if it's been a few weeks and you're still weepy and irritable, you can't sleep and you won't eat, don't "Google" a diagnosis or remedy. Make an appointment to see your doctor.

However, there is a direct correlation between women who have unprotected sex (vaginally or orally) and them feeling less anxious and being in a better mood. It's partly due to the oxytocin, progesterone, endorphins, and serotonin that's found in sperm.

One study even revealed that 20 percent of women who always used condoms had suicidal thoughts while only 5 percent of those who went without did.

Sperm Makes You Smarter

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Have you ever heard of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) before? Long story short, it's an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant group of small proteins that's directly related to the growth and survival of your neurons (your nerve cells); sperm has plenty of these in it.

Not only do scientists believe that NFG makes us smarter, but they've also discovered that it can relieve symptoms related to depression and even schizophrenia as well.

Sperm is a Tooth Whitener

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Roll your eyes if you want to, but guess what the leading cause of dingy teeth is? Not brushing is a given, but if you don't have enough zinc in your system, that could be the underlying cause.

Guess how much zinc is in a teaspoon of sperm? A whopping 3 percent of what your body needs daily! Being that sperm has calcium in it too, a swig every now and then can strengthen and whiten your teeth too!

Sperm can Keep Your Hair from Falling Out

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While you're out here on YouTube trying to find natural remedies for minor bald spots, maybe all you need is some good lovin' or a sperm scalp massage, or both. Trust me, I know it sounds crazy but, thanks to the polyamine compound known as spermidine (which is all up in semen), science also attributes sperm to minimizing hair loss. The connection is this — when spermidine is active in our system, it works to increase stem cell growth and also lengthen our hair shaft.

If nothing can convince you to rub some semen on your head, foods that are high in spermidine include green peas, white potatoes, and chicken. (You're welcome.)

Sperm is Good for Your Skin

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Speaking of spermidine, it's also really good for your skin. That's because it's also got tons of antioxidants that help to fight wrinkles, prevent acne, and even out your skin tone. Plus, spermidine contains proteolytic enzymes. Do some Googling on those; they are some of the most powerful exfoliants on the planet!

Does that mean I'm slick trying to talk you into a — cough, cough — facial? I'll totally leave that to your discretion. But it couldn't hurt. Just sayin'.

Sperm can Prevent Preeclampsia

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Here's something that just might surprise you. Did you know that oral sex can lower your blood pressure? Since sperm also contains the natural stress hormone cortisol, along with a good dose of melatonin, they work together to keep your blood pressure stabilized.

This is really good info if you're pregnant because there's solid data to support that if you swallow sperm in your third trimester, it can lower your risk of developing preeclampsia (dangerously high blood pressure during pregnancy).

Sperm Makes You Hornier

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Yeah. I'm pretty sure you've heard men say something along the lines of, "Once you start, you'll get in the mood." Whether they knew it or not, there was actually some truth to that. Since sperm contains the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, once you get extra dosages into your system, especially testosterone, it can definitely boost your sex drive.

Sperm is a Sleep Agent

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Having a hard time getting to sleep? Hmm…what was it that Salt (of Salt-N-Pepa) once said? She said her man could knock her out with one shot for the rest of the night, right? If they were having unprotected sex, that very well could be true!

As I mentioned earlier, melatonin (a hormone that regulates wakefulness) is present in sperm. So, if you've been having a few sleepless nights, rather than going out and getting a melatonin supplement, save your coins and have sex instead. The sex workout combined with the sperm you'll receive should be all of the sleep assistance you need!

Sperm Can Make You Live Longer

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And finally, if none of the other benefits I just shared convinced you to take some sperm shots, maybe this one will. Thanks again to the beauty of spermidine, sperm can also extend your time on the Earth. That's because spermidine also helps to regulate your genes as it delays the aging process.

Hopefully, it goes without saying that sperm can only benefit you if it's healthy. So make sure that you and your partner get tested for STDs (rapid result home tests are available), that the relationship is mutually exclusive, and that you're mindful of whose sperm you're getting (check out "Semen Has Controlling Power over Female Genes and Behavior").

But once you get the green light, as you can see, when it comes to sperm, it really and truly is ALL good!

Feature image by Getty Images.