
Self-Care Goals: How To Make Sure You’re Doing It Right

I don't know about you but when I think of self-care, I immediately picture myself getting a massage on the beach, my face covered in avocado, and sliced cucumber on my eyes.

While that is true to some, I had to come to a quick realization that self-care doesn't always equate to going on vacation to escape from the responsibilities and realities of life. Sometimes it's getting in three balanced meals every day instead of being too busy to eat lunch, or getting at least 8 hours of sleep instead of priding myself on the late nights, early mornings grind.

While the self-care message has kind of gotten lost in the sauce lately, there's a way to make sure you're really indulging in it properly. Check out the gallery below:

What’s Your Inner Energy Like?

The journey to self-care can actually start from within. While you might be eating clean and getting in your cardio on the regular, what's your thought life like? You could be exercising but criticizing yourself on your size, or eating right because you're afraid to gain weight, not just for a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, I'm not saying that these things are bad. I mean, for a healthy lifestyle, everyone tells you to eat right and workout. But what's even more important is what you think and say about yourself and others. Do you feel at peace with yourself? Do you feel confident and good about yourself? Because this is where self-care truly begins.

Get Out A Good Cry If You Need To

Whew, there's nothing like letting out a good cry. While a shower cry is like a major breakthrough, an emotional moment can come at the most awkward and unexpected times. But when it starts, it's basically impossible to stop. Still, how do you feel afterward? Yes, during the cry you might feel embarrassed, or even wonder where it's coming from. But afterwards, it's like a weight has been lifted, and what you were going through no longer seems like this huge mountain you can't overcome. If you're feeling overwhelmed in your work life or personal life, take some time to cleanse your emotions.


Whether it's from social media, work emails, television, or all of the above, consistently taking time to regroup and woosah is much needed to create a lifestyle of self-care. You might feel crazy but even if you have to put it in your calendar to make it a priority, you should have no shame in doing so. Work might be the hardest to pull away from because you feel like you have to earn your salary or even show how committed you are to maintain job security. But trust, the same emails will still be there when you get to work Monday, or in the morning. And the office will still be intact. But to make sure you and your mental health is intact, unplugging, and just being able to say no to certain things, are on the top of the list.

Sidebar: Even on the days you don't unplug, it's imperative to come up with a way to get and maintain a work-life balance.

Stay Positive

Practicing self-care can really try your patience. It's like as soon as you decide to do it, all these things go wrong that try to interfere with it. At the end of the day, whatever it is, don't let it mess with your attitude or your mind. Intentionally staying positive can be such a hassle but once you make it a habit, you'll be set for good. Bottom line, a part of self-care is not letting anyone, or anything steal your joy. Whatever you do, protect it because it has the power to make or break your mental health.

Eat, Sleep, and Exercise

These are pretty much the basics when it comes to self-care. We all know that a good night's sleep (at least 7 hours), eating healthy, and exercising is vital to taking care of ourselves. As for sleep, don't be afraid to take a power nap in the middle of the day. You might be surprised at how it can get you right!

When it comes to eating, think about the foods that make you and your body feel good after you push away the plate. Add more of those to your diet and slowly cut out the ones that have a negative impact. Not saying you can never have ice cream ever again, but it's just all about balance and being and feeling like your best self. As for exercise, make a point to get moving at least once a day. You can take a walk or do a workout video. This is also an amazing time to think and reflect, which is what all things self-care is made of.

Listen to Yourself

When your body and mind speak, you have to listen. Trust me, I know how easy it is to ignore the inner warnings and alarms that reveal you have way too much on your plate. You might not even realize you're telling yourself there's no way you can press pause because you're way too close to the finish line (that keeps getting further away the closer you get). There were times I kept risking it all and literally had to go home from work because I got sick. Yes, there's a pride in working hard, but not if you don't take the rest you need. At that point, you're not good for anyone, not even yourself. You deserve a break, so pay attention when your body tells you it's time.