Food & Drink

HBCU Homecoming Essentials: Good Eats & Good Times

This article is in partnership with Xfinity.

Those who have experienced an HBCU homecoming understand the assignment. College students, alumni, family, and residents of a Historically Black College and University gather and partake in the excitement of celebrating the heritage and culture of the school. It's a time of joy, honoring traditions, and for some, reflecting on the good ol' days. Homecoming weekends are spent eating well, laughing plenty, and enjoying the sights; and there is plenty to see, do, and EAT! (Spoiler alert: Sleep is not on the syllabus.)

When traveling, trying "new-to-you" restaurants is one of the best parts of the experience. College towns are ever-evolving so if you're an alum, it's a possibility the area will look different from what you remember, especially the food. Googling the best spots in town beforehand will be worth your time. Social media, influencer recos and dining apps with rating systems are your best friend when it comes to seeking mouth-watering meals. Skim the menus and read the reviews to find just the right one.

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Once on campus, ask the HBCU students for their preferred list of eateries. If there's a greasy spoon close to campus, make time for it! The holes-in-the-walls tend to provide some of the best food. And if there's a long line, it might be just the hot spot you're looking for to chow down. During the homecoming game, there will be tons of food trucks and vendors selling popular treats. Try befriending fellow students/alum in the tailgate area, who might serve you up on a free plate.

If upscale dining is more your style, search for a restaurant with reservations as an option. Book it early! Just like hotel rooms, popular eateries fill up quickly with the influx of visitors in town. Waiting until the last minute could leave you hangry - if you read our last article, you packed essential snacks!

Too tired to leave the room? Last but not least, if you plan on watching the game from home—you can bring the tailgate to YOU*. Recreate your favorite dishes from your college days or propose a family-style BBQ competition with those in your household. After all, what's homecoming without a little spirited rivalry?

*Due to a recent surge in COVID-19 cases, select HBCU homecoming sanctioned events have been rescheduled or are TBD.

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