The big news in February is Chiron's move into Aries at the end of the month.

Chiron, known as the "wounded healer" in astrology, signals how we integrate ourselves on this Earthly realm. Chiron tells us that, yes, being human is hard, but now let's see why it's hard and how you can integrate it. Chiron moving into Aries is the awakening of how we can see the things we have been in denial about and how we as individuals can project and insert our energies that allows for the adjustment of the changes happening in the world. In other words: life is damn hard sometimes, but we need to see it head on before we can move on!

Aries and Aries Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

There will be an intense focus on the self for Aries and Aries Rising for the first half of the month and a heightened sense of energy and potency is sure to amp up your personality. But as with anything, moderation is key.

As Mars moves towards the 2nd house at the end of the month, you will be feeling more moderation and a slowing down. After the 14th of the month, there will be an emphasis on finances. With Mars transiting the second house, you'll want to be careful with where your finances go. Whatever your financial focus has been on in the last month, it will be heightened during the end of February. Try to exercise great caution with your money during this time.

Saturn conjunct Venus in your 10th house of career may represent some kind of alleviation of your career woes that have been happening over the last year or so. Saturn, the great moderator, may seem harsh in telling you "no, you can't", but Venus working with Saturn during the month will allow for a new opening through a feminine figure, such as a mentor or mother type, who shows you that whenever a door closes, another will open. There is always another path forward. February is a time for you to pay attention to what that means for you! This is an excellent time for your reputation.

Taurus and Taurus Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

In the first half of the month, you will be experiencing the same Mars effect from last month: there may be some challenges from those who come from a different place than you culturally or value-wise.

A few unexpected surprises may come your way when it comes to things that seem like attacks on your sensibility. Sometimes, an attack is actually a shift and is needed to come to a true understanding. Having Mars finally transit into your first house, you will be feeling an overflow of energy. But just like with too much caffeine, too much energy can wreak havoc on your system. Have a plan of action before getting too involved with something that seems too good to be true.

You will be feeling lucky in your financial affairs this month with happy-go-lucky Jupiter traveling through your 8th house. Don't be surprised if you get a windfall in the form of major opportunities and finances. With a full house of planets transiting through your 9th house of travel and education, this very well may signify a real self-analysis on your religious and spiritual beliefs. Many things may be cleared up at this time when it comes to your thoughts, struggles, and yearning for religious and spiritual connection. You may find that you want to leave behind ideas in this realm that no longer serve you, or joining a spiritual group that you feel in alignment with.

Gemini and Gemini Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

The long process of change among your friends and groups you are associated with that has been going on for the past year will come into focus during this month.

There will be potential conflict with friends and family, which will need a gentle hand and many deep breaths. I wish I could say that everything will be smooth with your friends - especially with Valentine's Day coming up when the desire to relate is strong, but this is a time where caution will be needed in this regard. You may have been feeling as though you just don't belong and that putting yourself out there has been outright dangerous and heartbreaking. You may have felt rejection and isolation within your friend and social groups. But fret not, these feelings have been serving you well. It's a lesson in learning where and who your true tribe is.

Your ruling planet of Mercury will be traveling through the 9th house for the first ten days, as well giving you a real push into learning a deeper sense of communication. Starting in mid-February, Mercury will be travelling through your 10th house of career. This will feel real good to your sensibilities of communication and understanding others at work. Your career will get an extra boost of confidence on the communication level. But be careful with other forms of communication at this time. There will be a Mercury retrograde coming up in March when all forms of communication will get a little convoluted for a few weeks. Emails, written correspondence, and learning new ideas will need extra patience starting in the following month.

Cancer and Cancer Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Very early in the month, Venus will be leaving Sagittarius and going into your 7th house of relationships and into the sign of Capricorn.

There's a planetary party going on in the 7th house right now with several outer planets stationing there for the month of February and beyond. These old and stodgy planets may have been giving you some trouble in putting up the mirror on all your relationships. If you have been having pretty smooth sailings for the last year or so in your relationships, then you will have smooth sailing. If you have had a few little or big bumps in the roads in the last year or so in your close relationships, then these planetary heavy-hitters will have been showing you all the dirt in your closet for you to confront.

Mars is traveling through your 10th house during February and the transiting Uranus. Uranus has been here in the 10th for several years. Uranus will have broken down structures and your overall life path in an unusual way. Uranus's function is to break things down so that new structures and ways of being can be created. During mid-February, Mars will come to meet Uranus at the end of its journey through the 10th house. Mars is a planet of energy and when it hits a planet, it gives it an extra nudge. Mars will nudge Uranus as it passes through to the 10th and into the 11th house, essentially opening the door for Uranus to finally say farewell, my job is done!

Leo and Leo Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Mars is traveling through your 9th house of education, travel and foreign matters in the month of February.

This transit of Mars will hit Uranus on its way through the 9th house. You have been in a huge, long and deep transformation of your values, travel (cultures), religion, spirituality and education for the last 9 years or so. Mars hitting Uranus during the first half of February signals a time of a challenge when it comes to the issues of the 9th house. Changes in religion, values, beliefs, and education will come to a head. This is a time to re-evaluate what you believe, what you want to experience, and what you want to focus on. Mars will be going into the 10th house of career starting mid-February, so the actions you take at the beginning of the month in regards to your values, belief systems, and higher education will have huge ripple effects in your psyche.

Venus is still traveling through your 5th house of creativity for most of the last month. It has given you a lot of oomph when it comes to creativity, the way you look and style and relations with children. Starting around February 7th, Venus will move out of the 5th and go into the 6th house of work and mentoring. Venus traveling through here will give you some much-needed mediation and respite. Venus stirs up what you need to look at in a very constructive way and finding new ways and options to resolve issues. Have you been thinking of new ways to clear up health issues? Venus will help you see new avenues towards your well-being.

Virgo and Virgo Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Mars has been traveling through your 8th house of shared resources and other people's money…and taxes.

With Mars traveling through this house last month, there may have been conflicts or disputes over finances. But when Mars conjoins Uranus, the planet of surprise, there may be a final "death blow" or explosion when it comes to your finances. This month, as Mars leaves the 8th house and opens the door into the 10th house, your beliefs and ideas surrounding higher education and religion will come into focus. Mars doesn't do anything gently though! He is here to shake things up quickly and dramatically. So, when Mars conjoins Uranus on his way out of the 8th house and into the 9th, whatever your focus is on, in matters of your financial security, will have ripple effects on how you see the world and your beliefs as it goes into your 10th house.

Mercury is traveling through your 7th house of relationships and in the sign of Pisces during February and conjoining with Neptune, which has been stationed here for some time. Mercury is the barometer on everything about communication. Within Pisces, and in the house of relationships, you can be sure that there will be a healthy dose of wanting to get very close with your partner and have dreams and fantasies of all the potential possibilities of the future. But a word of caution here as Mercury in Pisces also indicates a time of a veil being put on the area where it is. And in this instance, it's with relationships. While you might feel warm and fuzzy and have poetry on your lips, Mercury and Neptune together can work against you in not allowing you to see the truth of matters.

Libra and Libra Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Feeling a bit antsy in your relationships, Libra? Mars, the planet of ruffled feathers and extreme actions will be moving out of your 7th house of relationships starting at the beginning of the month and moving into your 8th by the end of the month.

But Mars will be stirring the pot as it leaves the 7th and hitting Uranus - the planet of surprises and upheaval on its way out. Mars doesn't do things lightly. And in this case, Mars wants to make sure that you are awake and aware of its presence. So, at the end of the month, there might be a quick fight or upheaval with your close relationships. Traditionally, Mars through the 7th house represents a time of endings. You'll want to pay attention to what the lesson of Mars is for you.

Venus will be going into your 4th house and in the sign of Capricorn very early in the month. This house is all about your home and private life. Having Venus here helps to offset some of the more challenging times happening in your chart. But as Venus travels quickly through the 4th house during all of February, there will be some awesome counterbalances, respite, and rest from the issues that occupy this house. Beautification of your home will also be in great focus as this time. You may get the push you have been needing to get a beautiful thing for your home that you previously thought was too extravagant for your home. Venus is teaching you that sometimes the pretty things that have "no use" actually make you feel happier. And that sure is useful to your soul's growth.

Scorpio and Scorpio Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Venus will be moving out of the second house and going into the 3rd house of communication, siblings and short journeys by mid-February.

While you were enjoying the help and extra oomph that came with people helping you with your finances at the end of last month, this next month will be all about giving back the help you received and communicating your desires to your family and friends. Venus traveling through your 3rd house traditionally means short travel and perhaps even short romances. Depending on how you play it, February can be a time when you either find great passion or some strife and confrontation in your relationships…or both. Perhaps you need a little headbutting before you can get to the heart of situations that you have been avoiding. Once you get through that, you could very easily use the power and energy of Mars to ignite real passion. Make-up sex, anyone?

Quick-moving Mercury, the planet of communication, is moving from the third house into the 4th house and ending in the 5th house of creativity all in February. You may be feeling a whirlwind of interesting ideas and talks with those closest to you. Also during this time, the things that you have been holding on about the past, such as secrets and ideas that you may have previously thought were silly or useless, will suddenly be on the tip of your tongue and wanting to come out when around those who make you feel the most comfortable and secure.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Finances and home life will be the big news for you this month and into March.

While Venus is still in the first house, you will be feeling a change from extreme focus on who you are and what you truly want. But as Venus travels into the 2nd house of finances, the focus will be on the ways that you bring in money. If you are interested in starting a new business solely on the potential to make money, this is the perfect time to do so. Having the financial and physical security that you need first will allow you to access your need to use money to have experiences and journeys. Therefore, money coming in is simply the vehicle to get you to a place where you can feel free to do your other passions.

Mercury will be moving like quicksilver through your house of finances and finishing off its February travel in the house of home life by the end of the month. For the mid-part of February, your vocal cords, brain and typing fingers might be getting quite the workout as Mercury initiates a time when you want desperately to communicate your feelings and ideas with others. Use this time to your best advantage by sharing information about your inner life and thoughts on family with those closest to you. Your Sagittarius energy can often get into a whirlwind of information and ideas. Use this time by understanding your own personal communication style in a deeper and discernable manner. As Mars travels from the house of children and creativity through mid-February, you will be feeling a great amount of energy to get things done. New creative ideas will come to the forefront and the Mars energy will give you the drive that you need to sustain it.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

This month, you will be learning a big lesson in how to truly love yourself.

As Venus travels from your 12th house and into your 1st house of self, you may be confronted with ways in which you may have been unkind to yourself. Self back-talk and criticism will come under the microscope as you search deep within yourself to find your self-worth. This is a time for self-revitalization and luxury. Can you say massage time? As a Capricorn, you may get caught up in the worth of things that are of pure luxury, holding off on these things until you feel you are worthy of it. This is a time to show yourself some love without any restrictions or judgement. It's a time to realize that you are worthy simply by being human.

By February 14th, Mars will move into your house of creativity, giving you a chance to put some energy towards creative endeavors. Are you considering having a child? From February 14th and into March, there will be tons of energy towards the most creative endeavor of all: creating children. Your communication about finances will be highlighted starting this month. You may want to pen a business plan or talk to your boss about a raise or opportunities of advancement. News will travel fast as you talk around the water cooler though, so be sure that your communication is clear and concise and well-thought out…but then again…I am talking to a Capricorn. Well, let's just say, take even more caution when speaking of your needs.

Aquarius and Aquarius Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

We all know that communities and social groups are your jam. You have the ability to find meaningful connection with every type of person. And no time is this more evident than at the beginning of this month.

You will be feeling even more sympatico with your fellow humans during the first half of February. This also signifies a time when you may find love within social groups. So pay attention to that cutie while at your book club or at the next trivia night. There just might be sparks flying that could last a lifetime. Just be careful that you don't get stuck in the friend zone as Venus in the 11th house signifies camaraderie but not too much passion. By mid-February, you will be feeling more in tune with your quiet and reflective side as Venus travels into the 12th house. It's a perfect time to go to a retreat in a beautiful location or taking the time to write poetry. But with rest and relaxation also comes a time when your voice gets lost in the mists. So make sure that your needs are heard when amongst those closest to you.

If you have been lazy when dealing with home renovations, late February is the perfect time to work on projects started last month. Mars will give you the energy that you need to take home projects to completion. As Mercury, the planet of communication, whirls through your 1st house this month, you will be more than ready to share your thoughts about yourself and what you want to accomplish in the world. Thoughts of personal achievement and goals will be at the forefront during February. But with thoughts of self can also come self-doubt. Be kind to yourself and watch your inner dialogue. Hold your tongue when it comes to voicing your ill opinions of yourself, lest you see those around you reflecting your words back to you.

Pisces and Pisces Rising

Laci Jordan for xoNecole

Very early in the month, you will be feeling as though you can either connect more deeply with your friend groups or disconnect completely.

It's a time of understanding and also a time of endings with people who do not vibe with you. You may have been feeling as though you had to be friends with certain people in order to keep the peace. But at the beginning of February, you will know who your true friends are. You will be hearing friends at a deeper level and them for you as well. Friends whom you have lost contact with may come out of the woodwork rekindling old feelings of friendships. If you have been considering reconciling with those who you feel wronged you or you wronged them, Venus here will help you find the grace needed in this situation.

Last month, we talked a lot about how your finances were in great focus. It still is at the beginning of February. Come Valentine's Day, you will have one last revelation when it comes to your finances. A big reveal is apt to happen at this time, creating a new way of looking at how you bring in security and finances. You may go through a real period of a new beginning during this month. If something has run its course in your life, you will know by this month. The new moon will play out its energies for the next few months. So look carefully for the signs that it's time to either let go or start something new.

Featured image by Laci Jordan for xoNecole