
Sex Won't Give You A Big Butt + Other Myths About Women's Bodies

Since the beginning of patriarchal time, men have policed women's voices, rights, bodies, and sexual identities.

You can imagine of course, that there have been many false belief systems that even some women still subscribe to. This piece will address and debunk five of the major misconceptions about the female form and psyche.

Bras Don't "Save" Boobs


As a member of #teamNoBra, and a supporter of the #saggyboobsmatter movement, I can't stand when men assume that women who don't wear bras will face droopy boob syndrome in the future. In actuality, wearing a bra does not stop your boobs from sagging in the future. In fact, wearing a bra weakens the muscles in your breasts. Scientists have actually insisted that women wear bras as little as possible.

So, just get over the myth guys! The only thing that defies gravity around here is a Black girl's hair, so leave our tatas alone!

The Vagina is Pussy Power Personified


Our vaginas do not get "worn out" after multiple partners, or even pregnancy. The muscles in the vaginal walls are more elastic and stronger than most men think. Our vaginal walls are made up of folded muscle tissues that are elastic just like that of a rubberband, and snaps right back into place after naturally allocating enough space to be penetrated by a penis. The vagina functions in the same way as it prepares to expand and push an entire baby out of its canal.

There are plenty of factors that determine the strength of the muscles in the vagina. This includes a combination of the internal structure of vaginal lining and the outer structures, known as the pelvic floor. Other contributing factors to the elasticity of the vagina could be injury or hormones.

Sex Doesn't Give You Junk in The Trunk


The booty biologically does not get larger by hitting it from the back. Doing it doggy style, anal sex, or any other way for that matter, does as much for your butt, as sitting on your built-in cushion during your car drive to work. While consistent sex can help tone some muscles in your body, no one can actually exert enough energy, and have enough sex to overwhelmingly, and noticeably increase the size of your buttocks.

What does influence the gaining of weight biologically on the human body is hormones. While sex does increase the release of hormones, dopamine, and oxytocin in the body, after the deed is done, they subside.

According to Vice's article, "How Your Sex Life Affects Your Butt Size," the writer gets expert advice from Dr. Charlotte Wilken-Jensen, Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Hvidovre Hospital in Hvidovre, Denmark, who says: "Sex doesn't stimulate any long-term hormones in the body, so it wouldn't make sense to think that your butt would get bigger because of sex…Estrogen is what would stimulate your butt to increase in size or change your body composition, and there is no legitimate proof that having sex releases enough estrogen to affect your body in that way."

Empowering Women Does Not Come At The Expense of Men


By virtue of what feminism means, I believe that we all should be feminists, in the sense that we all should want equality, progressive rights, the end of violence, or death at the hand of a man, and fair social treatment for all women. Uplifting women should by no means translate to disempowering men.

Some arguments by Men's Rights Activists (MRA's) suggests that feminism is anti-male discrimination. This notion could be semi-digestible if there was a complete system in place where women held the power to systematically oppress men but this is simply not the case.

Creating a society that equally respects both men and women can only be achieved if the group that holds the lesser collective governing and social power is given the opportunity and space to be heard, affirmed, and validated. As women continue to take their deserved roles in our society as equals to stand as one with men as movers and shakers, our uneven cultural reality will become balanced.

Women Being "More Emotional" Is Just As Biological, As It Is A Social Construct.


The former myth segues perfectly into my final point. Since, well - forever, I have heard that women are biologically more emotional than men, but just like our cultural reality needs to become balanced when it comes to feminism, the socialization of male and female traits will require the same shifting.

Ironically, the conditioning of men to be overly masculine, rigidly egotistical, and dominant breadwinners has created a monster called patriarchy, in which women are conditioned to be overly feminine, extra sensitive, and docile nurturers.

The idea of what makes a man a man and a woman a woman, is a completely fabricated social construct that keeps the world in a low frequency, dualistic, and hierarchical cycle...until now. As human beings understand the existence of both masculine and feminine energies within us all, we begin to shift a toxic paradigm into one that is truly equal.

And shake up some trite misconceptions in the process.

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