
Your Weekly Horoscopes: What Venus In Capricorn Says About Your Zodiac Sign

Week of December 25-December 31, 2017

After a fanciful holiday weekend, the heavens start to shift away from the fiery optimistic energy of Sagittarius as the Sun and Venus join Saturn in earthy practical Capricorn.

It's a good time to start seriously thinking about your goals in 2018. Venus, the planet of money, pleasure, and love is a pragmatic girl while she's in the sign of Capricorn until January 17th. That means that focused, methodical, and consistent work will have her in your corner to bless you with abundance.

Find a way to make your actions count in terms of achieving a dream. When dealing with Capricorn energy, it's one foot in front of the other as you steadily climb up towards your vision.

Read your horoscope for the week below.

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