
5 Ways To Boost Your Energy Without ​Caffeine

It's 9:00 AM. Your coworker is asking if you have seen the latest episode of Westworld, but you stare fixedly at your phone. You can't stand the thought of looking her directly in the eyes and actually having to feign interest in the conversation. Your eyes ache and no yawn can soothe the exhaustion that consumes you. Biting your tongue, you accept that you are minutes, no seconds, away from snapping on this coworker, telling her that her eyebrows are drawn unevenly, but then you remember that you haven't had your morning cup of coffee. Crisis averted… for now.


Research finds that over 85% of American adults consume some form of caffeine daily, consuming 164 mg on average. At least 68 million Americans drink three cups of coffee every single day and over 50% of Americans over the age of 18 consume caffeine on a daily basis. Be it coffee, tea, soda, or energy drinks, a majority of the country is dependent on caffeine to drive performance and maintain energy, and it can be dangerous for our health if left unchecked.

Like most students, I had my fair share of all-nighters and excessive caffeine consumption during undergrad. There were definitely moments when I drank so much coffee and tea that it literally would stop working, or worse, have the opposite effect and make me sleepy. Plus, one million Starbucks runs really take a toll on your bank account. I was forced to confront my growing caffeine dependence (and poor time management habits), seeking out sources of energy that did not involve hardcore caffeine consumption. And, so should you.

Here are 5 ways to boost your energy without caffeine:



This seems so basic, but drinking more water was really a game changer for me. A 2015 British study found that 1 in 5 people who went to their doctors complaining of severe exhaustion were actually dehydrated. Remember, it's recommended that women drink a minimum of nine cups of water a day while men should drink a minimum of 13. So, stay hydrated and consider drinking a glass of water before reaching for that cup of coffee.

Green Smoothies


I have yet to get into the smoothie life, but those who love smoothies swear by it. Green smoothies are packed with natural energy-boosting vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can be a great way to pack in your leafy vegetables and kick off your day. It's your one-stop-shop to boost your health, immune system, and energy.

Reminder: don't go overboard on the sugar, or the health benefits can be diluted!



You knew this was coming, didn't you? Sorry to state the obvious, but it's no surprise that maintaining a relatively active exercise regimen is an important factor to boost and maintain high energy. Any exercise or physical activity that gets your heart rate up and blood flowing will release endorphins and raise your energy level. Again, your diet plays an important role in your exercise regimen, so try to limit the heavy carbs and sugar and incorporate fiber and greens when you can.

If you're semi-lazy like me, find a friend who will be your gym partner or force yourself to walk to the store rather than drive five minutes every once in a while. It'll pay off in the long run.


Omega-3, Coenzyme Q10, and B vitamins (including B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B12) are generally regarded as good vitamins for energy. For some, it's a lot easier to pop a vitamin in the morning with breakfast (which is also an energy-boosting practice!) than chop up fruits and vegetables for a smoothie. Vitamins can come in powder or pill form, which can then be added to drinks, so it's definitely a convenient option.

It's important to purchase vitamins from verifiable sources since some claim to provide benefits that they actually don't. Furthermore, ensure that your desired vitamins do not mess with any medications or conditions you have (if applicable).

Get Rest & Ensure Good Time Management Practices


Maybe you won't need caffeine if you actually get enough sleep because you accomplished all of your tasks when were supposed to and didn't wait until the last minute. *sips tea*

If it is within your control, ensure that you're practicing strong time management and getting a good night's rest. It is recommended that adult women sleep 7-8 hours a night (goals!). Although this is not always possible, take advantage of it when you can.

Sometimes, caffeine consumption can be a habit as much as it is a dependence, so opt for a different drink or snack every once in a while, and see how your moods and preferences change over time.

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