Women's Health

Ice Cream, Sperm & Other Random Things That Are Good For Your Health

Drinking water. Exercising. Taking vitamins. When you stop to think about what's good for your health, these are probably the type of things that immediately come to mind. But what I'm about to share with you are some "random" things that are just as good; things that you've probably never even considered to be physically beneficial but absolutely are.

Some are fun. Some are odd. One in particular is a little gross to think about but you'll still be glad to know about it. Are you ready to learn some health-related trivia that you probably wouldn't hear anywhere other than on an episode of Jeopardy? Check them out below.

8 Surprising Things That Are Good For Your Health

Ice Cream

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I don't know one person on the planet that doesn't like ice cream. But for those of you who may be like me and currently have 3-5 different pints in your freezer, there's nothing to be ashamed of. So long as you consume ice cream in moderation (of course), there are several reasons why it's actually pretty good for you.

Ice cream is a fermented dairy product, which makes it good for your immune system. Plus, it's high in calcium; that makes it not only good for your bones but it can even help you to lose weight. Since it also raises dopamine levels in the body, ice cream can give you more brain power too.

And get this — if you're currently trying to get pregnant, ice cream can make it easier. One study revealed that women who consumed at least one serving of high-fat dairy, which is exactly what ice cream is, had almost 30 percent less ovulation issues than those who didn't. Pardon the pun but, how cool is that?!


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Sperm is a superpower! And yes, you can totally quote me on that. For starters, it contains 200 different proteins that fight all sorts of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Sperm also has compounds that curb depression symptoms, help you to sleep better and, thanks to the selenium and TGF-beta that's in it, sperm can even prevent you from getting breast cancer, liver cancer, and liver disease!

Also, if your natural hormones are a bit imbalanced, thanks to the oxytocin, melatonin, cortisol, testosterone, progesterone, and estrogen that's in sperm (and semen), it is able to regulate them too.

Take it in. Take it ALL in.

Walking Barefoot

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We've all seen certain people walking around barefoot, shook our heads and thought that was low-key crazy. But they are actually "saner" than we may think. When our feet are constantly inside of supportive insoles and super-cushioned shoes, it causes us to overwork the muscles in our feet and ankles, not to mention it puts quite a bit of stress and strain on our backs.

If you're thinking, "OK, I'll do it at home, but you can miss me on walking around outdoors with no shoes on", I hear you but there's a good reason to reconsider. There's also solid evidence that letting your toes touch blades of grass will boost your immune system, improve your sleep patterns, and decrease pain sensitivity too.

Handwritten Notes

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Although most of us spend more time keystroking than handwriting, it's still a good idea to pull out a pen and piece of paper and jot things down every once in a while. Not only is it scientifically-proven that actually writing things down helps to trigger the thinking part of our minds, but it also helps us to retain more info.

So, if you have a test coming up or a presentation at work to get ready for, close that laptop and open up a spiral notebook. You'll remember more if you do.

A Spoonful of Sugar

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Mary Poppins used to sing that a spoonful of sugar helped the medicine go down. Guess what else it does? It can help you to get rid of those annoying hiccups we all seem to get from time to time.

How is that even possible? Many health professionals believe that when we consume sugar, it stimulates our vagus nerve (which is basically a nerve that sends information to our brains about how our bodies are doing). The sugar ends up distracting the nerve, causing our body to literally forget to hiccup. How crazy is that?

Sleeping (and Sitting) on the Floor

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When's the last time you got out of bed, put a pillow on the floor and then went to sleep? Do your spine a favor and try it over the weekend. When you're spending hours at a time on a soft mattress, it can put your back into a "C" shape. Over time, that can put a significant amount of stress and strain on the discs in your back.

Speaking of the floor, if your office is casual, you might want to do some of your work from down there every once in a while as well. Constantly sitting in the same position in your chair can lock your hip flexors and spine. In other words, it can make your body feel sore and stiff by the end of the day.

Leaving Your Bedroom Door Open

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Contrary to popular belief, colds don't happen more during the fall and winter because of the weather; it's actually because we tend to spend more times indoors and indoor air pollution is at least 2-5 times higher than outdoor air pollution is.

The remedy? Take walks outside during lunchtime. Get some plants for your house. And sleep with your bedroom door open.

What does your bedroom door have to do with all of this? Research reveals that people who keep their bedroom door (and windows) closed at night run the risk of having higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in their bedrooms. And poor ventilation can affect your health in all kinds of not-so-good ways.

Using a Public Toilet Closest to the Door

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From bedroom doors to bathroom stalls. If you're someone who uses public restrooms (because I know that some of us try and avoid it at all costs), always opt for the stall that is closest to the exit. Since it's also close to an open door, it gets the most ventilation and also tends to have the least bacteria build-up.

Speaking of toilets, when you're at home, make sure to close the lid before you flush. Otherwise, tiny particles of whatever you left in there will start floating around and could land on things like your washcloth or even your toothbrush.

Yeah, it's gross. And random. But don't say a sistah didn't warn you. You're welcome.

Featured image by Getty Images.

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