The Best Exercises To Get Your Stomach On Flat-Flat

The Best Exercises To Get Your Stomach On Flat-Flat

For women, losing the fat around your midsection can be both the battle and the war.

Achieving a flat belly can be challenging. Between balancing work, a healthy diet, and exercise, it can be hard to get rid of stubborn belly fat. However, it's not impossible; and luckily for you, with the exercises below, we're settling your battle in searching for the top ab routines, to ensure you win the war for your best summer body.

Click through the slideshow below to check out the top ten exercises to get a flatter stomach, just in time to show it off on the beach.

*For each workout, choose a combination of at least eight different ab exercises targeting various muscle groups. Complete 8-12 repetitions, and 2-3 sets.

9. Half Turkish Get Up

If you're looking for a core exercise that gets your whole body involved, the Half Turkish Get Up might just be your speed. Working everything—including your shoulders, hips, back, core, arms, and so many other muscles—this fully body exercise will help burn belly fat long after your work is complete.

Here's how it's done:

Lying face up, bend your right leg while keeping your left leg flat on the floor. Holding a dumbbell or kettlebell, raise your right arm straight overhead. Roll onto your left side and prop yourself up onto your elbow or hand, keeping your right arm overhead and your eyes on the weight. Pause, and then reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Perform all your reps on one side and then switch to the next.

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