




"I am an exotic dancer and work for a sex enhancement company called Pink Heffs."

What has your time in the industry been like? How has FOSTA impacted you?

"It has been an adventure for sure! It's an industry you must enter alone with little guidance, and lots of competition. But overall, my experience has been good. I have learned a lot about life and people. You can meet genuine people in this industry if you're selective and smart about who you let in your circle. It's another world but if you can apply what you learn to the real world you can make it in both. I would think FOSTA only really affects those dancers who solicit and promote their pages online. Shadowbanning is a threat for them."

What should the world know about sex work?

"The world needs to know that your favorite teacher, news anchor, or even your best friend's mom has probably dabbled in sex work. You would not believe how many people have stripped as a means to an end. Especially people in intense college programs or with mouths to feed. You never know what a person does in their private life or has done in their past! Many strippers are multifaceted people with normal lives. Realize this."

Editor's Note: Emiline herself is working to rebuild schools in Ghana through her non-profit Akua Ghana Gives Foundation.

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Luxury Hairstylist On Viral 'Hey Boo' Texts & Professionalism In The Hair Industry

As Black women, our hair is our crowning glory - whether we paid for it or not. We take pride in how we wear and take care of our hair. As with everything, hair care and hair styling have evolved over the years. Long gone are the days of Blue Magic (although I hear it’s making a comeback).

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